Page 72 - br-dec-2020
P. 72

December 2020                                                                       December 2020

       POETRY CORNER                                                                       1.  current  mean  speeds  are  at  or  below  24  mph;  unless  in  exceptional
                                                                                           circumstances towns/parish councils should pay for traffic surveys to take place.
       Apparently,  this  poem  has  frequently  been  attributed  to  Pam  Ayres  and  called   2.  there is  a  depth  of  residential  development  and  evidence  of  pedestrian  and
       ‘Time  for  us  Girls’.    Whilst  checking  on  the  copyright,  it  was  submitted  by  a   cyclist movements within the area;
       parishioner after she had seen it in another publication, I discovered the correct
                                                                                           3. there is a record of injury accidents (based on police accident data) within the
       source of it and have been in touch with its author.
                                                                                           area within the last five years.
                                                                                           Locations within conservation areas and other areas of high visual amenity will not
        Let’s all Drink to Lockdown  -  Jan Beaumont, New Zealand                          normally  be  considered  suitable  for  sign  only  20mph  limits  unless  there  will  be
                                                                                           minimal adverse visual impact. In these areas any 20mph restrictions will normally
                                                                                           be through 20mph zones. Dorset Council aims to ensure that any 20mph schemes
       I’m normally a social girl             We didn’t mind the change of pace            have  the  maximum  benefit  for  the  affected  communities.  The  promotion  of
       I love to meet my mates                Because our lives were full                  healthier  lifestyles,  sustainability  benefits,  improvements  to  the  social  interaction
                                                                                           and  economic  wellbeing  of  an  area  are  important  considerations  alongside
       But lately with the virus here         But to bury us before we’re dead
                                                                                           reduction  of  accidents  or  traffic  speeds.  With  these  factors  in  mind  a  Priority
       We can’t go out the gates              Is like a red rag to a bull
                                                                                           Criteria Matrix incorporating these factors will be used to prioritise schemes using a

                                                                                           scoring and weighting mechanism.
       You see we are the ‘oldies’ now        So here you find me stuck inside

       We need to stay inside                 For four weeks, maybe more
       If they haven’t seen us for a while    I finally found myself again                 Prioritising criteria
       They’ll think we’ve upped and died     Then I had to close the door!                Assuming a potential scheme meets the requirements below there is a need for a
                                                                                           mechanism  to  prioritise  these  for  consideration  to  be  funded  from  budgets  that

       They’ll never know the things we did    It didn’t really bother me                  may be available from the Council. The Council aims to ensure that any 20mph
       Before we got this old                 I’d while away the hour                      schemes have the maximum benefit for the affected communities. The promotion
                                                                                           of healthier lifestyles, sustainability benefits, improvements to the social interaction
       There wasn’t any Facebook              I’d bake for all the family
                                                                                           and  economic  wellbeing  of  an  area  are  important  considerations  alongside
       So not everything was told             But I’ve got no flaming flour!               reduction  of  accidents  or  traffic  speeds.    With  these  factors  in  mind  a  priority

                                                                                           criteria matrix incorporating these factors will be used to prioritise schemes using a
       We may seem sweet old ladies           Now Nexflix is just wonderful
                                                                                           scoring and weighting mechanism.  For each priority criterion, the score allocated
       Who would never be uncouth             I like a gutsy thriller                      will be multiplied by the weighting against that criterion to give a weighted score.
       But we grew up in the 60s  -           I’m, swooning over Idris                     The total priority score for the proposal will be the total of the weighted scores.  The
                                                                                           higher the total score, the higher the priority.
       If you only knew the truth!            Or some random, sexy killer.

       There was sex  and drugs and rock ‘n   At least I’ve got a stash of booze           Climate Change (Consultation)
       roll                                   For when I’m being idle
       The pill and miniskirts                There’s wine and whiskey, even gin           Climate  and  Ecological  Change  is  the  greatest  existential  threat  we  have  ever
       We smoked, we drank, we partied        If I’m feeling suicidal!                     faced. The great majority of scientific evidence, built up over many years, shows
                                                                                           that the planet is getting warmer and that human activity is the main contributor
       And were quite outrageous flirts                                                    to  this  warming.  If  we  act  to  radically  reduce  greenhouse  gas  emissions  now,
                                              So let’s all drink to lockdown               there's a good chance that we can limit average global temperature rises to 2˚C
       Then we settled down, got married      To recovery and health                       above pre-industrial levels. This doesn’t mean that there will be no more changes
       And turned into someone's mum,         And hope this awful virus                    in the climate – warming is already happening – but we could limit, adapt to and
       Somebody’s wife, then nana,            Doesn’t decimate our wealth                  manage these changes.
       Who on earth did we become?

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