Page 70 - br-dec-2020
P. 70

December 2020                                                                       December 2020
       showground, hazard lights flashing, following a steward with a torch and a high-
       viz  jacket.    The  weather  is  atrocious,  and  we  dodge  the  heavy  showers  as  we   presence  that  the  Council  hopes  will  increase  public  confidence  when  visiting
       carry everything into the marquee.                                                  Dorset’s high streets and town centres.
       Rob gives me a quick kiss and says “Good Luck” before disappearing to have a        While  the  police  and  select  council  officers  will  continue  to  have  enforcement
       look around the showground, as only the exhibitors are allowed in the tent.  All the   powers,  COVID  Marshals  have  been  tasked  with  engaging,  explaining  and
       competitors work away separately, but there is chat and laughter.  I glance up      encouraging  best  practice  and  national  COVID-19  secure  guidance.  The
       and my neighbour’s exhibit is stunning – an interpretation of cocktail hour with a   marshals  will  also  promote  social  distancing  and  encourage  people  to  follow
       giant  cocktail  glass  fizzing  with  orchids  and  lime  green  viburnum  flowers  on  a   COVID-19 public health measures, while educating and explaining guidelines to
       trellised frame.  Oh – why did I come?                                              businesses  and  the  general  public.  They  will  work  with  local  businesses  on
                                                                                           measures  like  queue  management,  advising  on  one-way  systems  and  social
       My exhibit is not going well.  I’ve started badly and nothing will go in right.  At one   distancing in queues. The marshals will also remind people to wear face-coverings
       o’clock  in  the  morning,  I  say  in  desperation  to  my  fellow  competitors,  “If  I  had   where  required  and  encourage  social  distancing  in  busy  areas.  They  can  also
       brought some more Oasis, I’d start again!”  There are murmurs of sympathy, and      help  prevent  mixing  between  groups  in  night-time  economy  areas,  raising  any
       someone  says  she  has  some  Oasis  in  her  car  outside,  and  will  give  me  some.    issues to local authority compliance and enforcement officers if guidelines are not
       Someone else appears with a bucket of water to soak it in.  I try to stay calm.     being followed.
       Rob reappears briefly, with a polystyrene cup of hot coffee.  I could have done     While  the  Marshals  are  currently  active  in  Weymouth,  their  operating  area  is
       with a  large gin!  He is aghast to see all the plant material lying in heaps around   flexible, and Dorset Council can deploy them anywhere in the county where it is
       me, and tells me later that I seemed to be throwing the flowers back in.            felt they are needed. They will continue to be active over the next few months.
       Two  a.m.  –  I  glance  up  and  cocktail  hour  is  now  groaning  under  dozens  of
       orchids.  The exhibitor on my other side seems hardly to have started, with just a   Business Grants during the second lockdown
       few pieces of driftwood and her containers in place.
                                                                                           Businesses  in  the  Dorset  Council  area  which  were  ordered  to  close  from  5
       The flowers are back in at last, and I try to secure the masks with wire.  They seem   November 2020 due to the current national COVID restrictions may be eligible for
       to be leering drunkenly at me, but I am too tired to care.  This could be my last   financial  support  through  the  government’s  Local  Restrictions  Support  Grant
       chance at Chelsea, and I have blown it.  The whole thing is a mess. Rob helps me    (LRSG). Dorset Council is administering the grant on behalf of the government. An
       clear up the chaos around me, and I sweep up around the staging one last time       online application form and further information is available on our website. Eligible
       with a heavy heart.  Back at the hotel, I fall straight into an exhausted sleep till   businesses  will  be  paid  a  single  fixed  amount  to  cover  a  four-week  period.  If  a
                                                                                           business has a rateable value of:
       The next day is press day.  I keep well away from the flower arranging marquee      • exactly £15,000 or under on November 5, it will receive a payment of £1,334 per
       with its painful memories.  In any case, it is closed for judging. There is no buzz like   28 day qualifying restriction period
       the buzz of Chelsea on press day.  The crowds have not arrived, you can see all     • over £15,000 and less than £51,000 on November 5, it will receive a payment of
       the gardens and stands, and there are celebrities everywhere.
                                                                                           £2,000 per 28 day qualifying restriction period
       I spot Esther Rantzen - and Gloria Hunniford in a beautiful scarlet silk dress.  Martin   • exactly £51,000 or above on November 5, it will receive £3,000 per 28 day
       Clunes sits in a garden, sipping a glass of champagne.   Alan Titchmarsh  stands    qualifying restriction period
       engaged  in  deep  conversation  with  Carol  Klein  whilst  a  man  in  yellow  body-
                                                                                           To qualify, businesses must be in the Dorset Council area and must have been:
       warmer  holds  a  sheepskin  duster  on  a  stick  over  them.    Big  cameras  move   • open as usual before the November lockdown restrictions, and
       ponderously  around  them  like  elephants  around  a  water  hole,  trailing  heavy   • providing services in person to customers from the premises, and
                                                                                           • required to close due to restrictions imposed by government, and
       At half past three, everyone without an exhibitor’s pass leaves the showground,     • paying business rates for the premises before restrictions started
       and people start to gather at the bull ring gate to see the Royal family arrive.  I   If a business premises has closed but is still operating a click and collect service,
       stand  with  other  flower  arranging  friends  until  the  Royal  press  start  to  assemble   the  business  can  still  apply.  This  could  be  a  pub  or  restaurant  operating  a
       and a policeman moves us to make room for them.  Somehow, I am jostled into         takeaway service, or a shop offering home delivery as an alternative to your usual
       the first in line of people waiting to greet the Royals.
                                                                                           business. For businesses which do not have rateable values, the business pages on

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