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December 2020                                                                       December 2020

                                    therefore the drainage has been much better.                                     - Extra Care Addendum.

                                     I did spend my first year after college working in     Changes  to  planning  use  classes  can  be  found  on-line  at:  https://
                                    Suffolk,  where  I  was  introduced  to  vegetable
                                    farming and extensive irrigation. Here peas were
                                    grown for Birds Eye, we also grew dwarf beans,          and the Proposed Modifications to Purbeck Local Plan can be found on-line at:
                                    carrots  and  potatoes.  It  was  a  wonderful .
                                    experience  but it  was  only  for  a  year  while  the
                                    farmer’s  son  was  at  agricultural  college.  It  was   The  documents  are  available  online  at
                                    from  here  that  I  went  to  Ireland,  where  I  was   review.aspx ,
                                    able to put my experiences to good affect. But
                                    as I have already said that is for another day.         The  Council  will  forward  all  representations  on  the  Statement  of  Further
                                                                                            Modifications to the Examiner for consideration and publish them on the website.
       May I end up by thanking all who read my articles and mentioning  them to me. I      You  can  comment,  preferably  using  the  on-line  form,  by  email  to
       wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year and may the Lord keep you  including ‘Purbeck CIL’ in the subject bar),
       free of the dreaded covid virus .

                                                       God bless You All, Ted Cox           Gritting Map
                                                                                            This is the link
       PARISH MAGAZINE GETS NATIONAL                                                        gritting/gritting-updates.aspx
       COVERAGE                                                                             This  year,  a  route-based  forecasting  system  will  be  used  to  decide  when  and
                                                                                            where to salt the gritting network – down to the exact routes needing treatment.
                                                                                            Route-based  forecasting  will  more  accurately  consider  local  conditions.  Using
        Way back in the winter of 1976, Esther Rantzen's 'That's Life' programme on BBC 1   weather forecasting information from Meteo Group, which includes data from the
        on  Sunday  evenings  had  a  section,  with  readings  by  Cyril  Fletcher,  with  small   council’s 11 roadside weather stations, individual decisions will be made for each
        stories about the quirky side of life in Britain. The series had been running for a few   of  the  22  routes  in  the  Dorset  Council  area.  This  significantly  more  targeted
        years and continued for some years more.                                            approach will reduce emissions from fewer lorry movements, it will use  less rock

        One of these small stories was about                                                salt, which is a finite resource, and it will save money by reducing the number of
        a  typo  which  occurred  in  the  Bere                                             gritting runs needed.
        Regis  Parish  Magazine  of  October                                                Salt  is  stocked  up  ahead  of  the  winter  period,  with 13,500  tonnes  of  salt  stored
        1976.  The  Vicar's  front-piece,  at  that                                         across  five  highways  depots,  ready  for  the  colder  weather  to  arrive.  Roads
        time  written  by  Paul  Tranter,  always                                           included  in  the  22  main  gritting  routes  are  those  used  by  the  majority  of  the
        ended  with  "Your  sincere  friend  and                                            travelling public. They cover 684 miles and account for around 28 per cent of the
        vicar", but for the October 1976 issue                                              Dorset  Council  road  network.  Where  prolonged  cold  weather  is  forecast,
        contained  the  typing  mistake  "Your                                              additional community routes are also treated to ensure more rural communities
        sincere fiend and vicar", and by that                                               can continue to travel safely. Dorset Highways carries out gritting on the A35 trunk
        simple   mistake   our   village   got                                              road on behalf of Highways England. This can often be at different times to the
        national coverage, where something                                                  Dorset Council network.
        like 20 million viewers were watching.

        We  may  never  know  who  submitted
        this  to  them,  but  whoever  it  was                                              Electric Charging points
        deserves some sort of award!
                                                                                            Dorset Council Transport Planning Team is delighted to announce work is to start
        Sue Denim                                                                           on  the  installation  of  44  electric  vehicle  fast  charge  points  that  use  100%
                                                                                            renewable  energy  at  18  sites  across  the  County.  It  marks  a  significant  step

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