Page 62 - br-dec-2020
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December 2020                                                                       December 2020
       SUMMER RAISES £11,000 FOR DORSET                                                                    BERE REGIS NEWS

                                                                                            BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL

       Philip  Trim,  owner  of  Philip  Trim                                              Chairman:         Ian Ventham      471480
       contractors  opened  up  Throop
       Hollow  Farm  into  a  pop-up
       campsite  over  the  summer  to                                                     Vice Chairman:    Bryan Benjafield    07969
       raise  funds  in  memory  of  his  wife                                                                                770890
       Jane who was cared for with lung
       cancer  and  passed  away  in  the                                                  Parish Clerk:     Amanda           472327
       hospital two years ago.
                                                         Donations  came  from
                                                         hosting   a   range   of                   
                                                         fundraising events across
                                                         the  summer  including             The Parish Council met remotely via Zoom on Thursday 12th November 2020 with
                                                         tractor  and  trailer  rides       two members of the public also present. The next meeting will be on Thursday 14
                                                         around  the  farm,  a              January 2021, again remotely. If you wish to join the meeting, or wish to send in a
                                                         private event for a local          question to be read out, please contact the clerk beforehand.
                                                         metal  detecting  club,

                                                         live   music,   charity
                                                         breakfasts and a raffle.           Update on the Dorset Council 20mph Guidelines
       “We had planned to hold the Purbeck Coast Tractor Run which we did last year,        In the period for members of the public to speak, the Council listened to  Alison
       however Covid-19 prevented this. We have two enormous fields that had been           Bennett  making  a  case  for  improving  safety  on  the  C6  road  at  Rye  Hill  by
       cut  for  hay  so  we  thought  setting  up  the  campsite  would  give  campers  the   implementing  a  20mph  zone  and  various  other  safety  measures.  She  had  the
       chance to get away from the pandemic and have a break in our beautiful rural         support of over 200 people for the petition she had initiated. Steve Wright, who
       countryside.”                                                                        was also present on Zoom, endorsed Mrs Bennett’s comments
       Cleaners were on site to ensure the facilities were kept clean and sanitised, they   At the October meeting we had agreed to await
       installed hand sanitiser stations and displayed awareness posters and signage to     Dorset  Council’s  criteria  for  introducing  a 20mph
       encourage people to follow the Government guidelines to minimise the risk.           zone  before  discussing  this  matter.  The  draft
                                                                                            criteria  had  been  circulated  to  all  Council
       “Guests  were  extremely
       generous.   When   we                                                                members before this meeting.
       didn’t  have  change  to                                                             We  had  a  lengthy  discussion  about  the  criteria,
       give   them   for   their                                                            and  what  measures  could  be  employed,  during
       purchases,  they  would                                                              which  members  expressed  a  variety  of  views.  It
       tell  us  to  keep  the                                                              was clear that Rye Hill did not meet all of Dorset
       change  as  they  knew                                                               Council’s  criteria  for  instituting  a  20mph  zone.  In
       the money was going to                                                               view  of  this  and  in  order  to  make  the  strongest
       something  close  to  my                                                             possible case to Dorset Council it was felt it would
       heart.”                                                                              be  better  to  proceed  with  measures  within  our

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