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December 2018                       December 2018

 £2Million  injection  it  gave  to  the  Dorset  economy.  Hopefully  this  link  will  work  to
 show this.            AUTUMN LEAVES   OVER  50’S CLUB

 Surgery                We had another great afternoon at the Autumn Leaves Club
                        this month.  Hilary Foggo from Age Concern Dorchester gave
 Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the   us proof that “Laughter is the best medicine”.
 communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. If
 you  cannot  make  one  of  these  please  email  me  and  I  will  arrange  to  come   She  shared  some  good  jokes,  stories  and  pictures  with  the  members,  and  left
 around to see you. If you have any questions or queries related to the business of   them  with  smiles  on  their  faces  to  take  home.  We  meet  again  on  the  12
 Dorset County Council please come along. If anyone wants to contact me and   December  when  we  will have  a  musical  afternoon  with  a  group  of  ladies  who
 cannot get to the surgery my email address is   sing with “Canzonetta."
 Peter Wharf, County Councillor   I can assure you that it will be something to look forward to. Why don’t YOU come
       along and see for yourself?  If you do join us, you can be sure of a warm welcome
       and an excellent afternoon tea. Find a friend to come with you and join the nice
       ladies and gentlemen at the Scout Hut on Wednesday 12  December at 2.30.

 We hope that most parish residents will be aware that over the last few years we   SURGERY NEWS
 have  been  writing  a  Neighbourhood  Plan.  I  suspect  that  many  people  will  be
 saying to themselves “What’s this got to do with us?” You might be tempted to
 think that it’s all a load of irrelevant local authority mumbo jumbo, and anyway
 ‘they’, whoever ‘they’ may be will get on and do whatever ‘they’ want to do,   Dispensary Queries/
 regardless of us.   Telephone Calls
 Well,  the  plan  will  affect
       Please  note,  from  Monday  12th
 everyone  living  in  Bere   November  the  Dispensary  will  only  be
 Regis  in  one  way  or   taking  telephone  calls  between  2.00
 another,  and,  actually,  in   and 3.00pm
 May  2019,  all  of  us  will
 have  a  vote  on  it  in  a   Please call 01929 471268 and choose Option 2
 parish wide referendum.
 So,  to  help  people  better   Flu Vaccinations
 understand   what   is
 proposed  in  the  plan,  we   A reminder to our over 65s who have not yet had a flu vaccination – we still have
 will  be  publishing  a  series   some  vaccines  available  and  it  is  not  too  late  to  have  one.  Please  contact
 of articles to try to explain   Reception to make your appointment.
 different aspects.

 For those who want to learn more for themselves you can find the whole plan and   Dr Stephanie Pennell
 all   the   supporting   documentation   on   our   website   at   It is with great sadness that we report that Dr Pennell will be leaving us in January

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