Page 56 - br-december-2018
P. 56

December 2018                                                                       December 2018


                                                                                                   LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
       We  had  our  first  meeting  in  the  Drax
       Hall  on  17th  October  and  a  nice
       number  attended,  which  means  that                                                  Michael Tomlinson MP      
       we  will  have  the  hall  on  the  third                                              holds regular surgeries
       Wednesday  of  the  month.  The                                                       in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
       introduction and thanks for attending,                                                 details of forthcoming
       was  followed  by  a  brief  view  of  our                                                                       
       future  plans,  such  as  visits,  guest                                              surgeries or to make an
       speakers and a plan to determine the                                                    appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP
       origins  of  Bere  Regis,  particularly                                                   contact his office.
       where  ancient-finds  "hot  spots"  are
       located for further study.

       A Time-Line illustration was shown, going from the Palaeolithic all the way to the
       20th century, giving international, national and local events. Also some previously
       unseen and unpublished documents and two poster prints of aerial views of the
       village were shown.
       Next there was  a report on an archaeological report of an excavation in Bere
       Regis this summer, where Iron Age burial pots were found on the western slopes of    HOUSE FOR SALE                                Guide Price  -  £325,000
       Barrow Hill. There have now been eight pots found in a space of a line of just over
       2m  long  aligned  with  the  "butts"  on  that  hill.  Secondly  almost  400  pieces  of                                                Rental considered
       Romano-British  pottery  were  shown  that  had  been  found  in  the  same  general       Available Spring 2019
       area over the last ten years. That section was ended by the throwing on the floor
       of a modern flower-pot to show how many pieces come from just one smashed                Initial expressions of interest invited
       pot.  Respectfully  separated  from  that,  a  complete  Romano-British  pot,  on  loan
       from a Midlands History Society, was shown and examined.
       After an interval, for snacks and drinks, we had a slide show of pictures taken in       Semi-detached, three
       1976 when views around the village were shown taken during that hot summer.
                                                                                                bedroom house, West
       The November meeting (at the time of writing) will be for members to bring their                 Street.
       own  garden  finds  to  show  and  for  their  oldest  items  to  be  identified.  The
       December meeting will be another eclectic grouping of subjects.                          Perfect location for all
       New members are always welcome.                                                              village amenities
                                                    John Pitfield, Project Secretary
                                                                                               Immaculate kitchen and
                                                                                                Adjacent garage and

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