Page 59 - br-december-2018
P. 59

December 2018                       December 2018

 with  the  present  style  of

 housing,  particularly  in  the
 developments close to the
 present Conservation Area.
 We  have  chosen  sites
 which  are  as  close  as
 possible  to  the  village
 centre,  so  that  a  sense  of
 community  is  maintained
 and we don’t end up with
 straggling   development
 too far outside the village.
 We  are  anxious  not  just  to
 sustain  existing  community
 facilities,  but  to  improve
 them if possible. There will be more on that in a future article. Please be aware
 though,  that  we  can’t  magically  produce  new  shops.  Premises  have  to  be
 available  and  business  people  have  to  be  certain  that  a  new  venture  will  see
 enough customers to thrive.
 Finally,  we  have  been  anxious  to  protect  and  enhance  our  local  green
 environment. The Parish Council’s acquisition of Souls Moor and the green space
 near  the  stream,  coupled  with  Dr  Brian  May’s  woodland  plantations  has,  we
 believe, already added hugely to the beauty of our environment and facilities.
 We aim, through the plan, to add more to areas of open green space, and that
 in turn should allow us to improve recreational facilities still further.
 In future articles we will develop these themes in more detail. In the meantime,
 please take a look at the plan itself and the FAQs which are on the website at
 Ian Ventham

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