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December 2018                                                                       December 2018

        BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND                                                            BERE REGIS AND DISTRICT

        ENVIRONMENT GROUP                                                                  TWINNING ASSOCIATION

       Join Us on our Conservation Working                                                 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND
       Parties                                                                             QUIZ FEBRUARY 2019
       Please  come  and  join  us  at  the  next  Working  Party  –                       The Bere Regis and District Twinning  Association are
       Saturday  1st  December  -  many  hands  make  for  light                           holding  their  Annual  General  Meeting  on  Monday
       work;  all  are  welcome  (under  16s  should  be                                   11th February 2019 at 7 p.m. Straight after the AGM, at 7.30 p.m we will be holding
       accompanied  by  an  adult).  No  experience  is  required,  there’s  a  friendly  crowd   a quiz and raffle. All are welcome.
       and it is great fun too! Or, just pop along and find out more about what we are
       doing.                                                                              Venue will be published in the January Parish Magazine.
       We will meet by the stream bridge near to the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am or      If  you  are  interested  in  joining  the  Twinning  Association,  please  email
       you can find us along the river. We normally finish about 12.30. If you have some for details.
       loppers or hand saws please bring them with you – if you don’t, no problem we’ll
       have some spares along with other tools. Our efforts are helping to conserve the
       best  of  what  is  already  present  along  the  riverside  walkway  and  is  intended  to   November 11 . 2018.  BERE REGIS JOINS WITH CÉRENCES
       make the area even more wildlife friendly.
                                                                                           TO REMEMBER
       Further work parties will be held in the New Year, dates to be announced.
                                                                                                                                         A  delegation  of  fourteen

                                                  Our  November  work  party                                                             people led by Ian Ventham,
                                                  concentrated  on  repairing  an                                                        as  Chairman  of  the  Parish

                                                  area of eroded river bank around                                                       Council,  and  Roger  Angel,
                                                  a  storm  water  outfall  near  to  the                                                Chairman  of  the  Bere  Regis
                                                  kick  about  area.  The  work                                                          Twinning   Association   and
                                                  involved  driving  stakes  into  the                                                   Chairman  of  the  Dorset
                                                  river  edge,  cutting  willow  stems                                                   Twinning    Associations,
                                                  and  weaving  them  through  the                                                       a t t e n d e d      t h e
                                                  stakes  and  backfilling  the  area                                                    Commemoration for the end
                                                  with  surplus  material  from  when                                                    of  the  First  World  War  in  our
                                                  the pond was dug on Souls Moor.                                                        twin  village  of  Cérences.
                                                  You  can  see  us  in  action  in  the
                                                  photo.                                   Invited  by  the  Mayor  M.  Jean-
                                                                                           Paul  Payan  and  the  Jumelage

                                                                                           of  Cérences,  this  was  a  formal
                                                                                           reciprocal  visit  following  2014

       Help Us Record Ancient and Veteran Trees                                            when they came to us.
       At  the  time  of  writing  we  are  about  to  have  our  first  session  identifying  and   We  all  felt  that  being  a  part  of
       recording ancient and veteran trees in the Parish. We’ll let you know how it went   their  community  for  this  event
       next month. We hope to have further sessions. If you would like to be kept informed   gave  us  a  greater  insight  into
       by email, please let mike or Tony know. And, if you know of any old trees you think   living  in  an  occupied  land,  the
       are valuable let us know and we will take a look at them.                           desperation and privation of life

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