Page 39 - BR August 2023
P. 39

August 2023                          August 2023

       water  (around  16C  this  time  of  the  year  in  mid  July).  Magical,  liberating,
       exhilarating come to mind but you really have to experience it to appreciate its
       full  attraction.  All  I  can  say  is  that  if  you  have  never  experienced  the  joys  of
       swimming open water, just give it a go and I know you will not be disappointed.
       We  began  to  pick  our  way  through  the  many  boats  and  ribs  anchored  just
       offshore, skirting the rock groyne with the spike and upturned red bucket on the
       top before striking out for our final destination, the rocks jutting out at the end of
       the  bay.  The water was  wonderfully  clear  as  we pick our way  through the kelp
       and seaweed before reaching more open water.

       The plan was to stay close in to shore
       and  follow  the  gentle  curve  of  the
       long  pebble  beach  about  a  mile
       east  towards  White  Nothe.  On  this
       occasion  Emile  decided  to  dispense
       with  his  wetsuit  indicating  that
       summer had truly arrived.
       Of  course  we  all  swim  at  different
       paces.  Emile  is  the  fast  one  these
       days  (a  bit  like  his  car!).  Liam  and  I
       have  roughly  similar  speeds  with
       Richard, Sean and Alex I guess a little slower. However, this does not matter as we
       all swim at our own pace and in doing so look out for each other.
       On this occasion Sean had started out a little earlier and Liam and I had caught
       him just a few hundred metres from the rock groyne at the end of the bay. Usually
       Sean would have turned at this point but encouraged by a week’s swimming in
       Lanzarote and me egging him on, he completed the course, great!
       Meanwhile, Emile had caught Liam much closer into shore and was to track him
       all the way back to our starting point. Alex and Richard had turned a little further
       back in the bay. I guess this epitomises open water swimming where a group of
       friends enjoy a swim in fabulous surroundings. There is no feeling that you have to
       ‘beat the pants’ off the next guy. It is not a race, it is a joy to be the doing thing
       we all love.
       On the way back, the long beach stretched before us with the spike at the end
       of the rock groyne our target. As it became progressively more dominant on the
       landscape, the end of our swim was in sight. Just another 200 metres or so and
       Sean and I are there clambering up the beach with the others already deep in
       It’s  a  wonderful  feeling,  a  good  swim  and  good  company.  For  me  it  is  real
       privilege and I treasure it greatly.
       I checked my Garmin watch which told me that I had swum 3,315 yards in 1 hour

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