Page 35 - BR August 2023
P. 35

August 2023                          August 2023

       Pre-Restoration Survey of Church, 1871
 “Ringers tomorrow. 0735 at mine?” This familiar message pinged its invitation on
 my computer. “See you in the morning” I replied and so Emile, my near neighbour   In  August  1871  members  of  the  British  Archaeological
 and great swimming buddy were set up for our usual early Sunday morning swim   Association  visited  Bere  Church  and,  although  noting  the
 at  Ringstead Bay.    What  did  we  do before  the days of  emails and computers?   inspiring  ancient  architecture,  were  somewhat  critical  of  the
 Well,  actually  pick  up  the  telephone  and  speak  to  each  other  but  I  have  to   state of the building and the fittings.  The most alarming was
 admit, it is an easy form of communication.   that the columns and arches separating the north aisle were
       leaning outwards perilously.  The walls had squalid dressings of
 No alarms are needed in the morning   whitewash,  the  box-pews  and  floor  were  rickety.    The  great
    as I am always awake by 5.30am. Two   west  window  had  been  bricked  up  for
 cups  of  tea,  a  cup  of  coffee  and  a   many  years,  tradition  saying  for  the
 biscuit  prepare  me  for  the  day.  A      convenience of villagers who were given
 quick wave to Diana and I am off. The   Church interior in   to  the  game  of  rackets.    There  were
 drive  to  Ringstead  is  uneventful   March 1873   immense  quantities  of  earth  piled  up
 enough  though  Emile  does  from  time   against   the   walls   outside,   almost
 to time put his foot down to show me     completely  concealing  the  plinth  at  all
 what the Porche will do (0 to 60 in 4.3   places;  the  result  of  centuries  of  burials
 seconds!!).                              around  the  building.    Inside,  many
 As we get to the top of the hill leading   fitments  had  the  legible  graffiti  in  Latin
 down to Ringstead it is there to greet   "cito peritura" or "summon an expert".   A
 us, a fabulous view of Weymouth Bay and the backdrop of the Isle of Portland.   Restoration  Committee  was  set  up
 Even after all these years, it never fails to impress.   consisting  of  the  following:  the  Earl  of
                                          Eldon,  Mr  Montague  Guest,  Mr  Charles
 We arrive at the car park                Hambro, Mr H. Williams, Mr C.J. Radclyffe
 a  couple  of  hundred                   junr., Mr N. Bond, Mr Arthur Mansel, Mr F.
 yards  from  the  beach  to              Lys, the vicar and the Churchwardens.
 be  greeted  by  Sean,
 Richard, Alex and Liam all
 duly wet-suited and raring                                         John Pitfield
 to  go.  The  sun  is  already
 peeking through a cloudy                                      Projects Secretary
 sky  as  we  descend  the
 ramp  onto  the  pebbled
 beach.  Several  smooth
 large boulders have been
 conveniently laid out by nature at the top of the beach, ideal places to place our
 gear on and to make our final preparations before entering the sea.
 Costumes, wet suits, hats, goggles on, usual banter over and we are ready for our
 swim.  The  steep  pebbled  bank  is  a  little  challenge  especially  as  some  of  the
 pebbles have sharp edges and can be quite painful. However, we are now all in
 and a few short steps give us enough water to launch ourselves into our swim.
 It  is  often  difficult  to  describe  the  feeling  of immersing  oneself  in cool  fresh  sea

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