Page 32 - BR August 2023
P. 32

August 2023                                                                          August 2023
                                                                                            VILLAGE HALL
                                    BERE REGIS FLORAL
                                    GROUP                                                   Essential works to Fire doors

                                                                                            Thank You to everyone who has made a donation to the
                                   The  floral  group  has  a  tea  party  on  Tuesday  8    Hall,  we  have  completed  phase  one  of  the  reports
                                   August at 2pm in Winterborne Kingston village hall       finding, that was to make good a fire door into the lower   VILLAGE
                                   to  celebrate  its  65   anniversary.    A  number  of   room with extra hinges and intumescent seal strips and to   HALL
                                   Area  officers  are  invited  to  mark  the  occasion    add  an  additional  window  that  was  fire  proof  to  cover
                                   which is anticipated with pleasure.                      existing window that overlooked escape route.
        It is  a long time  since a  lady  called  Maureen  Anderson  from Hyde started  Bere   The  main  work  is  scheduled  to  start  at  the  first  week  of  September  where  the
        Regis  Floral  Group,  and  the  club  is  still  flourishing  today  with  members  who   existing asbestos fire doors are removed and replaced by new ones throughout
        compete  nationally,  at  county  level,  local  level  and  members  who  just  enjoy   the building.
        arranging flowers for their homes and church.                                       We  are  doing  well with the  fundraising and  are  awaiting  a response  this  month
        The demonstrator for September on Tuesday 12  at 2pm will be Kelly Shaw whose       from  Awards  for  All  to  find out  if  we  have been able to get financial help from
        title is Celebration of Nature’s Bounty.  There will be a produce stall.            them.
        Visitors and new members are always welcome to come along.  Your first visit is                                    The recent lucky Square game has resulted in
        free of charge.                                                                                                    a further £301.00 thank you to all the kind prize
                                                                                                                           donors  Royal  Oak  Bere  Regis,  Red  Lion
        For  information,  contact  chairman  Bob  Holman  01305  8482262  or  email                                       Sturminster  Marshall,  and  Claire  Alexander                                                                                         Brown.
                                                                                                                           Hall Bookings

                                                                                                                           If  you  want  to  book  the  Village  Hall  please
                                                                                                                           contact our booking Secretary Joanna Syrett
                                                                                                                           J o a n n a . s y r e t t @ t i s c a l i . c o . u k       o r
                                                                                                                           telephone   01929 472037 she will also be able
                                                                                                                           to show you around if you are not familiar with
                                                                                                                           the building.
                                                                                                                           Fancy a game of table tennis
                                                                                                                           As  part  of  our  bid  to  try  to  generate  some
                                                                                                                           income for the Hall we are able to offer family
                                                                                                                           table  tennis  sessions,    if  you  are  interested in
                                                                                                                           hiring it  the fee is  £10 per family for an hour.
                                                                                            Contact the Booking Secretary Joanna on  01929 472037
                                                                                                                               Alison Bennett Chairperson  01929 472023

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