Page 29 - BR August 2023
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August 2023                          August 2023

 atmosphere where everybody will be made very welcome.   basis that they look much younger than the age required for the product they are
       instructed to buy.
  The classes are 45 minutes in duration and will be held every Monday from 11am-
 11:45 at the Village Hall.    Trading Standards rely on information from the public about shops selling products
       illegally.  So,  if  you  have  any  concerns  about  a  sale  you  have  seen,  please  let
 The cost is £4 per class payable on arrival at the hall   Trading Standards know by simply calling the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on
 Enquiries   about   the   classes   can   be   emailed   to   me   0808 2231133.
 at or telephone enquiries can be made via Lyn
 Simmonds on 01929 471528

 Pop In Place Community Café Bere Regis,    On Wednesday, 21st June We held a "Ascot Garden
       Party"  which  was  a  great  success.  Several  local  WI
 Every Friday morning from 10 am until 12 noon we are at the Community Café at   Groups  were  invited  to  join  us  and  everyone  was
 the Village Hall North Street to welcome everyone who walks through the door.    asked to wear an appropriate hat for the occasion.
 We also welcome new volunteers to help on our team for serving the drinks and   We  had  over  50  Ladies  join  in  the  fun  and  many
 help at events.    fancy hats were worn. Most notable was the hat worn by our Secretary, Clivena,
       that not only had a horse's head but lights as well! The ladies were greeted with a
 Call the Team Leader Alison 01929 472023 for more details.   glass of Pimms and an amazing Horsey Quiz devised by our Treasurer, Jan Nurrish.
       This  was  followed  by  some  entertainment  by  Tricia  Lewis  and  then  were  served

       with strawberries and cream.
 Pop In Place Work shop
 A variety of bird boxes and planters are for sale call in on Friday morning to see      Tricia,  who  usually  does
                                                         a  wonderful  take  off  of
 them                                                    Joyce Grenfell, decided
 We  are  a  small  group  meeting  on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,   to be the President of a
 making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc we also do a lot of talking and   fictitious   WI  at  their
 drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and   A n n u a l    G e n e r a l
 that is available for people to play a game.            Meeting.  Obviously  the
                                                         Members  of  this  Group
 If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own   were  unruly,  misguided
 small project, call in and see us you will be very welcome.   and had no idea how to
                                                         behave,  but  it  caused

                                                         lots  of  laughter  and
 Up and coming events at the Pop In Place   made us all realize what a perfect Group we are!!!
 Macmillan Coffee Morning    The WI Movement has recently held their Annual General Meeting in Cardiff with
       inspiring  Speakers  and  passionate  resolution  debates  and  the  new  campaign
 The  next  event  organised  by  the  Pop  In  Place  will  be  the  Macmillan  Coffee   urges  WI  members  to  take  action  to  protect  our  vital  river  network  from  the
 Morning on Friday 29  of September 10am at the Lower Hall    pollution crisis. A full campaign will be launched later in the summer but if any of
       you are wild swimmers, anglers or paddle boarders we would love to hear from
       you about why your local river or sea is precious.
 Have you checked out our Pop In Place website
       Our next Meeting is on Wednesday 19th July when we will be taking a "Wimborne
 For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023    Walkabout" with an added twist. To join us please ring Di Pitts, our President, on
       01929 471322.

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