Page 27 - BR August 2023
P. 27

August 2023                          August 2023
       represents  a  unique  opportunity  to  walk  on  the  Dorset  Cursus  and  contemplate
       one’s  place  in  the  universe  and  in  Human  evolution.    It’s  a  bit  different  from
       Gardening  but  maybe  that’s  what  we  do  when  we  are  outside  in  the  garden

       After the tour we can visit the pigstye museum and see all the archeological finds
       there.   Please be at the farm by 6.30 p.m.   Remember, it does get darker earlier in
       August.  The cost of the evening is £7.00 per head.  Please can members let me
       know  if  they  are  interested  and  email  me  if  they  wish  to  come or telephone 01929 472083
       In September we return to the Drax Hall for a talk on Garden shrubs.

          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their
          advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of
             their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!

 Dorset Property Care
 Allan Slater
 Based in Briantspuddle
    Services
    Building maintenance
    General joinery
    Garden maintenance
    Garden landscaping
    Kitchens
    Man and digger hire
    Waste carrier licence

 07973 158092

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