Page 51 - br-aug-2020
P. 51

August 2020                          August 2020

 DORSET TRADING STANDARDS   years during training on HMS Ganges) and covered all aspects of practical and
       theoretical seamanship.

 Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve   Reginald passed out of Britannia in 1896 as a  Midshipman and was promoted to
       Lieutenant  in  1906.  It  was  clear,  early  in  his  naval  career,  that  the  young
 businesses so you don’t have to.
       Lieutenant Plunkett, was destined for the higher ranks of the Royal Navy. His Times
 For more information visit or   obituary said he ‘was a man of brilliant and original brain’ who many of his fellow
 call 08454 040506.
       officers felt should have succeeded to First Sea Lord when that position became
 To report or seek advice about problems you have   vacant  in  1939.  At  his  own  request,  he  was  sent  on  the  Army  Staff  course  at
 experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.    Camberley,  a  highly  unusual  request,  in  order  to  study  introducing  staff  training
       into the Royal Navy – something unheard of at the time. He published privately a
       book  on  naval  tactics,  an  action  somewhat  frowned  upon  by  some  of  his  die-
 Two sides to a COVID hair cut   hard  senior  officers,    it  coming  from  a  relatively  junior  officer.  Nonetheless,
       Reginald was the first of 12 officers to be selected to attend training for the new
 Hair has become quite an emotional issue during lockdown. Feeling good about   Admiralty War Staff when it was set up by Winston Churchill in 1912.
 how we look helps us to feel good about ourselves, good wellbeing helps us to
 get through these tougher times.   He was promoted to Commander during the course and was appointed to the
       prestigious post of the War Staff Officer (Operations Officer) to Admiral Sir David
 Businesses   have   been   Beatty in 1  Cruiser Squadron on HMS Lion, Beatty’s flagship. Reginald served on

 reopening  from  lockdown  in   HMS  Lion  at  the  battles  of  Helgoland  Bight,  August  1914,  and  Dogger  Bank,
 a  staged  approach,  with   January 1915. In May 1915, HMS Lion took a significant role in the Battle of Jutland
 Trading  Standards  oversight,   as Admiral Beattie’s flagship of the 1  Battle Cruiser Squadron.
 as  we  all  work  together  to
 restart  our  economy  safely   Admiral Beattie made specific mention in his despatch of Commander Plunkett’s
 while  Government  gradually   role during the battle: ‘My Flag Commander, the Hon.Reginald A R Plunkett, was
 amend business closure rules.   most  valuable  in  observing  the  effect  of  our  fire,  thereby  enabling  me  to  take
 At  the  time  of  writing  this   advantage  of  the  enemy’s  discomforture.’  Plunkett  received  the  Distinguished
 Dorset   hairdressers   and   Service Order (DSO) for his services with Beattie.
 barbers,  closed  since  the   Reginald’s mother, Lady Dunsany, died in early 1916 and the Charborough Park
 start   of   lockdown   are   estate, which included most of the tenanted properties in Bere Regis, as well as his
 reopening.   mother’s extensive estates in Dorset, Wiltshire, Kent, Surrey, Yorkshire and the sugar
 M a n y    p e o p l e    h a v e   plantations in the West Indies, passed to him. A condition of the inheritance was
 embraced  DIY  hairdressing,   that  he  was  to  adopt  his
 attempting  at-home  trims   mother’s  surnames  of  Ernle-
 and dye jobs, or growing out a more natural look, but generally we can't wait to   Erle-  Drax.  Thus,  his  new
 get back into the salon and into the hands of a professional hairstylist.   quadruple-barrelled surname
       of   Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax
 While  thinking  about  our  own  hair  you  may  not  have  given  much  thought  to   together  with  his  forenames,
 Dorset  sheep,  but  our  Trading  Standards  Animal  Health  Officers  have.  This  is   earned  him,  amongst  his
 because COVID-19 has resulted in a lack of migrant workers coming into the UK   naval   colleagues,   the
 and when it comes to sheep shearers, that has had quite an impact on farmers.    nickname   of   ‘Admiral
       Acronym’.  He  was  married
 Shearers  normally  arrive  in  the  UK  from  Australia  and  New  Zealand  from  spring   on  15  April  1916  to  Kathleen
 onwards  but  have  been  unable  to  get  here  this  spring.  UK  based  shearers  are   Chalmers  in  Edinburgh  and
 working hard to get around to all the sheep as soon as possible, which has been   lived at Charborough Park.
 especially important with the hot weather we have had, as shearing sheep helps
 prevents welfare issues from developing.

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