Page 59 - br-august-2019
P. 59

August 2019                          August 2019
 bear a Christian?”
 “Very well,” the voice said.
 The light went out.  The river ran again.  The sounds of the forest resumed.
 And  then  the  bear  dropped  its  right  paw  ...  brought  both  paws  together  ....
 bowed its head and spoke:  “Lord, for this food which I am about to receive, I am   It’s  Summertime,  and  Castle  Players  are  working  in
 truly thankful.”   preparation for 2 big shows.
       In October, we are bringing the classic story of The Elephant
 We may smile at the rather surprising end, yet this little story raises two interesting
 points. Firstly, was this world created or did it just evolve from nothing over billions   Man  to  the  stage  at  Lytchett  Matravers  Village  Hall,  a
 of years?  If we think of any of the machines that we rely on, cars, computers,   moving story of being different and accepted in this world.
 washing machines etc, we know they have all been designed by an inventor, all   And in November, we are starting rehearsals for our January Pantomime. We are
 the parts are made and then fitted together in the correct way or the machine   proud to bring you, for the first time, Macbeth – The Pantomime. This promises to
 will not work.  How much more would this principle apply to our amazing world.    be a fantastic experience for panto and Shakespeare fans alike. More details to
 The complexity of our bodies, the way the whole of nature works together to keep   follow in future articles.
 this planet functioning could not possibly have happened by chance.  It is not
 possible for any living thing to have evolved over millions of years, as it is unable to   So would you like to be involved in this ground-breaking work? As always, Castle
 reproduce  unless  fully  formed.    There  are  many  scientific  facts  that  support   Players are looking for new members, especially from the local community. Fancy
 creation.  If you want further information go to, you will be surprised   getting up on stage and trying a bit of acting, or maybe for a sing and dance?
 at what you find there.   Want to use your carpentry skills to build sets? Would you like to learn how to light
       a stage? Interested in using your sewing skills to make weird costumes? And more
 The other point that comes out of the story is the continual use of the phrase ‘O   importantly,  want  to  join  a  lovely  community  of  people  that  put  on  shows  and
 my  God  ...’  that  we  hear  on  tv,  radio  and  in  almost  every  conversation  these   enjoy  a  nice  social  life  together  –  at  the  very  least,  a  trip  to  the  pub  after
 days.  It is even used in ‘texts’ by its initials! Why would people want to use the   rehearsals!
 name of God so frequently, and even more surprisingly, call Him ‘my’ God?  No
 doubt that question would be dismissed because it is just a ‘saying’ and doesn’t   We’d like to hear from you, so contact us via our Facebook page, or our website
 mean anything religious, the reverse in fact.   at Come and join us, you’re more than welcome.

 Whatever you make of these two points, I hope that when you are enjoying the
 lovely countryside around here, or the wonder of a new-born baby, and  when
 you  hear  that  phrase  ‘O  my  God’,    that  it  will  cause  you  to  think  about  the   BERE REGIS SPORTS CLUB  -  CRICKET
 Creator God who loves you and wants to be ‘your’ God.  Commit your life to Him
 and ask Him to be ‘your’ God today.

 Just a Smile
 A  dignified  Bishop  of  London  told  how  he  was  sitting  in  Hyde  Park,  and  as  he
 stumbled  in  rising,  a  small  child  rushed  forward  to  help  him.    Pleased,  he   The Sports Club regular opening times are as follows:
 exaggerated his difficulty, and complimented the child, saying, “That was kind of
 you.”  “Oh,” she replied, “it’s alright.  I’ve often helped daddy when he’s been as   Friday  7.30 p.m.
 drunk as you are.”   Saturday  4.30 p.m.
 After  the  christening  of  his  baby  brother  in  church,  little  Johnny  sobbed  all  the   Sunday  3p.m. – 6 p.m.
 way home in the back seat of the car.  His father asked him three times what was
 wrong.  Finally the boy replied, “That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a   Opening times may vary due to televised sport, please check the BRSC website
 Christian home, but I want to stay with you!”   for details of any such changes.

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