Page 61 - br-august-2019
P. 61

August 2019                          August 2019




       By  the  time  you  all  get  to  read  this  the  galloping
       maestro will have ridden off into the sunset to cook up
 Cruck Cottage   a  storm  of  an  evening  somewhere  else.  But  we  were
       very  fortunate  that  he  rode  into  our  little  backwater
       tied up his horse and set too to entertain and feed us. 76  people sat down to a
       four  course  meal  of  smoked  mackerel  pate,  Dorset  jugged  beef,  Dorset  apple
                                                  cake  and  ice  cream  finished  of
 Briantspuddle                                    with  a    blue  vinney  cheese
                                                  course.  Throughout  the  evening
                                                  he entertained us with a range of

                                                  songs  from  opera,  stage  and
                                                  screen  with  opportunities  for

 10  AUGUST  2pm                                  every   budding     Pavarotti
                                                  amongst  us  to  air  their  lungs,
                                                  which  many  did.  In  between
                                                  entertaining  us  he  slipped  back
                                                  to the kitchen to put the finishing
 Entry £1, children free
                                                  touches  to  each  course.  A
                                                  thoroughly  enjoyable  evening

       where a good time was had by all, without exception. The galloping maestro was
 Teas, cakes, games,    admirably aided by an amazing team of helpers who set to with serving, clearing,
       washing  up  and  finally  putting  everything  away  at  the  end  of  the  evening.
       Massive thanks and gratitude to all of you that helped make it possible.
 books, raffle, bric-a-brac, craft   August sees a slightly quieter month for organised events as many take the annual
       holidays or just a well deserved rest, but, and there’s always a but we’re back with
       a vengeance on the weekend of the 31  August with our annual deep clean of
 &     the hall and facilities. Any parishioners who could spare an hour or two to help out
       please email, ring or let me know when you see me, or let any trustee/committee
       member know your availability. Many hands make light work apparently and so a
       lot of people doing a little will get us all shipshape and ready to go again.
 Wareham Town Band
       There will be more activities from screen bites and others as the summer draws on
       in September and beyond. And dare I say it the committee are already starting to
       think about events for Christmas and new year so again any helpers or ideas of
 Come and join us!    things we could do please don’t hesitate to give me a call.
       As  I  mentioned  last  month  we  are  keen  to  encourage  and  develop  ideas  and
       aspirations that you may have of activities and events that could take place in

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