Page 9 - br-august-2018
P. 9

August 2018                          August 2018

 The Council has been advised to complete this work after the memorial has been   Bere Regis Junior Church
 cleaned.  In the first instance the Parish Council will approach the War Memorials
 Trust for a 75% grant to complete this work.  The application process will take a
 number of months.

 Application WD/D/18/001035 Southover Farm

 Councillors  attended  the  Tolpuddle  Parish  Council  Meeting  where  the  above
 application was considered.  The Parish Council is still pursuing a joint approach   Healing the
 with Tolpuddle to open up the highway through Sares Wood in order to mitigate
 the effects of traffic movements.
 Other site visits are planned as is a response to Purbeck District Council.  As more   Centurion’s Servant
 information  becomes  available  the  Parish  Council  may  wish  to  make  further
 comments to Dorset County Council and as such have requested an extension to
 the consultation deadline.

 Dorchester Marathon
 The Dorchester Marathon took place over the May bank holiday, passing through
 our  Parish.    The  Parish  Council  received  improved  feedback  compared  to  the
 previous year.  Dorchester Marathon have been kind enough to consult with us on
 their plans at an early stage in the past.  This year the Parish Council has received
 no feedback from parishioners on this year’s event.  If you experienced problems
 with access or excessive disruption over the bank holiday now would be a good
 opportunity for you to share your thoughts with the organisers or with the Parish

 Councillor Contact Details
 Nick Gore (Chair)     01305 848130
 Sue Jones (Vice-Chair)   01929 471375
 Charles Barter      01929 463663
 Trevor Poole      07966 499252
 Sarah Lowman      07796 221568
 Jonathan Haigh      01929 471768
 Mike Menzies      01929 471263
 Lizzie Guinn      01305 848916   lizzieguinn@hotmail,com
 Lindsay Hole      07887 782005
 (parish clerk)

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