Page 57 - BR April 2024 - converted
P. 57

April 2024                            April 2024
 latin name Allium ursinum, that is part of the onion family.

 Unsurprisingly,  Wild  Garlic  has  a  distinctive  and  pungent  garlicky  smell  that
 pervades woodland in spring. The leaves are long, pointed and oval in shape with
 untoothed edges. They grow from the plant base and have a strong garlic scent.
 The flowers which come a little later are small, white, with six petals held on a thin
 leaveless stalk.
 Wild Garlic is commonly foraged. If you are thinking of collecting any do abide by
 the foraging ‘rules’ – if picking from private land do ask the owner’s permission, do
 not pull up plants only pick the leaves / flowers, and only take a small amount for
 your own personal use.
 Two ideas for what to do with Wild Garlic – make Wild Garlic Soup or Wild Garlic
 Pesto. Both are delicious!
 Recipes can be found at -

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 If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  Group  or  to  be
 included on our mailing list, please contact:
 Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or
 Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.

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