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April 2024                                                                           April 2024
        Pop In Place Work shop                                                             Traffic and Amenities Survey

        We  are  a  small  group  meeting  on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,   We will shortly be sending out a survey to all households within the Parish, as well
       making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc we also do a lot of talking and      as  sharing  an  online  version.  The  survey  covers  a  few  key  topics  and  asks  for
       drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and       residents’  opinions  on  certain  issues  such  as  traffic,  parking,  Parish  Council
       that is available for people to play a game.                                        communication and available services within the Village. We urge as many of you
                                                                                           to complete it as possible once received, as this will then help us identify areas of
       If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own        improvement and gives us quantifiable data that we can use, for example, when
       small project, call in and see us you will be very welcome.                         making  requests  to  Dorset  Council  regarding  traffic  issues.  The  deadline  for

       Have you checked out our Pop In Place website                        returning the survey will be the end of April and full results will be available at the
                                                                                           village meeting and on the Parish Council Website.
       For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023

                                                                                           Parish Council
       REV SANDRA WILLIAMS’ RETIREMENT                                                     Elections

                                                                                           Alongside   the   Dorset
       News was shared in churches across the West Purbeck Benefice at the beginning       Council  Elections  in  May
       of February that Rev Sandra Williams will be retiring at the end of April this year.   of  this  year,  all  seats  on
       Sandra’s last services will be on Sunday 28  April.  I know that many people have   the  Parish  Council  will  be
       already expressed both their sadness that we will be losing Sandra, and also their   up  for  re-election  and  all
       joy for Sandra and Graham as they begin a new stage of life in retirement. We       councillors   wishing   to
       will miss them hugely.                                                              continue in their role must
                                                                                           stand  for  re-election.  If
       We will all want to thank Sandra for her generous ministry amongst us since 2019.   you would like to apply to
       The  collection  of  donations  will  be  coordinated  by  the  treasurer  of  Affpuddle   become  a  Parish  Councillor  and  stand  for  election  in  May,  please  contact  the
       PCC.    Everyone who  would like  to make  a donation towards  a farewell  gift to   Clerk  on  or  visit  the  Dorset  Council  website  for  more
       Sandra is asked to do it in the following way:
       By Bank transfer to:
       PCC Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle  Lloyds Bank Dorchester  Sort code: 30-92-69          Pop In Place Food Bank Grant
       Account number: 07375937  Ref: Rev Sandra’s retirement gift
                                                                                           It was agreed at the meeting to award a grant of £200 to the Food Bank which is
       Or by cheque payable to ‘PCC Affpuddle &Turnerspuddle’. Or cash. Please put         administered through the Pop in Place and provides a valuable service to many
       cheques or cash into an enveloped marked ‘Rev Sandra’s retirement gift’ and         families within the village. We extend our continued thanks to Alison and her team
       give  them  to  a  churchwarden  or  member  of  the  clergy  team  in  any  of  our   for continuing to facilitate this much needed service.
       churches across the West Purbeck Benefice.

       Details of farewell services, celebrations and the event at which we will present
       the gift will be in next month’s magazine. . Please hold Sandra and Graham in                               Speed Indicator Device (SID)
       your prayers at this time of transition.                                                                    Further  to  Dorset  Highways  identifying  an  additional
       With many thanks,                                                                                           location for the SID, at the top of Rye Hill coming into
                                                                                                                   the Village, the Council agreed to purchase a second
       Richard                                                                                                     device,  so  that  we  can  have  both  in  continual
                                                                                                                   rotation  around  the  4  sites.  Under  current  regulations
       The Revd Canon Richard Bartlett                                                                             the  SID  must  be  rotated  with  a  6  week  gap  in
                                                                                                                   between locations to maximise the effectiveness, but

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