Page 34 - BR April 2024 - converted
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April 2024                                                                           April 2024
       interlude learning to drive tracked vehicles at Bovington, I received my posting to
       32   Heavy  Regiment  at  Hildesheim  in  Germany.  The  Regiment  was  part  of  the   FIRST THURSDAY CLUB
       British Army of the Rhine, a component of the NATO forces facing the Soviet Bloc
       during the Cold War.                                                                (AUTUMN LEAVES)
       We  were  based  in  a  barracks  on  what  had  previously  been  a  Luftwaffe  airbase
       during the 2  World War. Our equipment was the very long barrelled M107 175mm       The  weather  for  our  March  meeting  was  sunny
       howitzer.  This  was  a  US  made  artillery  piece  that  could  hurl  a  150lb  shell  over  20   and  over  40  people  turned  out  to  hear  wildlife
       miles.  I  was  given  command  of  a  troop  of  30  soldiers  and  2  of  these  guns,  and   officer  Daisy  Meadowcraft  talk  about  the  work
       exercised with our NATO allies frequently. We did patrols along the ‘Inner German   being  done  at  Wild  Woodbury.    She  explained
       Border’ to keep an eye on the ghastly fences, dog runs and minefields of the East   that  a  full  audit  of  the  wildlife  species  had  been  done  when  the  land  was  first
       German boundary, designed to incarcerate the population of East Germany.            purchased the land.  Detailed drainage and soil analysis had also been carried
                                                                                           out.  The land had been allowed to do its own thing and without all the nitrogen
       Leave periods were spent sailing in the Baltic, continuing to keep up my flying skills   inputs and agricultural cultivation.  Further surveys were being done to see what
       at the aero club within our barracks, and even one trip to ski in the Alps.         animals and plants colonized the land.   Work had  also been done to allow  the

       A  year  or  so  into  that  job,  and  my  regiment  was  warned  for  a  tour  in  Northern   water to be held back and flood the land by filling in the drainage ditches.
       Ireland, at the height of the troubles. I was to be the Intelligence Officer in a patch                                          Domestic   animals   ponies
       of  Belfast  covering  the  loyalist  Shankill  and  the  nationalist  Lower  Falls.  By  now  a                                 cattle and pigs are being used
       Lieutenant,  I  had  a  small  team  whose  task  was  to  try  to  glean  information  that                                     to  graze  the  land  and  the
       might  be  helpful  to  the  forces  of  law  and  order,  and  to  disseminate  information                                     species  surveying  continues
       that came down from on high as part of operational planning. Whether my efforts                                                  and  evidence  of  more  birds
       were useful or not I shall never know, but it was certainly a gruelling and at times                                             reptiles  and  mammals  was
       exciting job. Sadly, whilst we were there, my regiment suffered the first two deaths                                             being   observed.      It   is
       of soldiers at the hands of the IRA. I remember those two soldiers clearly to this day,                                          interesting  to  have  a  natural
       and pay my private respects to them each Remembrance Sunday.                                                                     wildlife   reserve   on   our
                                                                                                                                        doorstep.    Some  of   our

                                                                                                                                        members   were  concerned
       ADJUTANT                                                                                                                         about  agricultural  land  being
       Northern  Ireland  tour  over,  it  was  back  to  Germany,  where,  to  my  surprise,  my   taken  out  of  production  at  a  time  when  world  food  security  was  a  potential
       colonel  asked  me  to  become  his  adjutant.  I  was  just  a  2  pip  Lieutenant,  and   problem.    Some  of  our  members  were  born  in  the  time  of  the  last  war  and
       adjutants  are  normally  quite  senior  captains.  I  accepted  with  some  reservations,   appreciate the need for food produced locally in an uncertain world.
       but being promoted  to, and being paid, as an  Acting Captain at the age of 22      On the subject of the Second World War we are having an event on 6  June to
       was  quite  an incentive!  Nine  months  as  the CO’s  staff  officer, and  the  Executive   commemorate the  80   Anniversary  of D  Day.  We  are  looking  for any  memories
       Officer for the regiment when deployed on exercise, was demanding but fun, but it   and photographs people may have of that time and memorabilia relating to the
       was soon time for a new challenge.                                                  Second World War particularly in and about Bere Regis.

                                                                                           Looking ahead to next month  April 4  Julien Lightfoot is giving us a talk on what
       DESERT SERVICE                                                                      the  Bere  Regis  Explorer  scouts  got  up  to in  Borneo last  year.      Maybe  we  don’t
                                                                                           want to know all of it but they paddled into the jungle on boats met sun bears,
       I happened to see an interesting request for volunteers to apply for secondment to   various  reptiles  and  experienced  another  world.    (A  bit  like  Simon  Reeve).      Do
       the Sultan of Oman’s Armed Forces (SAF), and in particular to the Oman Artillery.
       Oman lies on the corner between the Arabian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Oman         come along and hear all about it.  The talk will be followed by tea.  Cost £3.00
       and  the UK  have had  friendly  relations for  many  centuries,  but  since  the 1960s  a
       separatist  group  had  been  trying  to  overthrow  the  Sultan,  who  was  a  very
       conservative  and  autocratic  ruler,  allowing  little  or  no  development  in  his  very
       backward  sultanate.  His  son,  Sultan  Qaboos,  who  was  Sandhurst  trained,  had

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