Page 38 - BR April 2024 - converted
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April 2024                                                                           April 2024

       Yateley,  whilst  I  commuted  weekly  up  the  half-constructed  M3,  M25  and  M1  to      RECIPE OF THE MONTH
       Derby. Partway through the course, I started applying for jobs. What was I qualified            Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites
       for? About my only useable asset was that I could speak reasonable Arabic, and
       a move back to the Middle East was an attractive prospect.  I saw an ad that was
       looking for a person with all sorts of qualifications that I didn’t have, but which said   Creamy Mushrooms and Pasta
       in very small type at the bottom, ‘Knowledge of Arabic an advantage’. I went for
       it and a little later we found ourselves living in Cyprus, and I was working around     Ingredients
       the  Middle  East  as  the  marketing  manager  for  a company  selling computerised
       Arabic  typesetting  equipment.  A  happy  few years  followed with  an  idyllic life in      450g mixed mushrooms
       Nicosia, and  the  wider Island.  Andrew had  been born  just  before we  moved to           3 tbsp olive oil
       Cyprus, and Helena, our ‘Cypriot baby’ was born in Nicosia. We had many family               1 onion finely chopped
       visits,  and,  when  I  wasn’t  travelling,  we  had  a  lovely  life  within  the  expat     3  cloves  garlic,  minced  or  use
       community of the island.                                                                
                                                                                                     equivalent garlic paste.
       Later, with an American partner we’d met through the local Anglican church, we               1tsp dried thyme
       formed a company to provide English and Arabic typesetting to publishers in UK                1tbsp tomato paste
       and the Middle East. This was in the pre-desk top publishing days. Sadly, after a lot   
       of effort and quite a lot of capital, this business did not succeed as we had hoped.         1 glass dry white wine
                                                                                                    1 can chopped tomatoes

       THE CHARITY WORLD                                                                            125g ricotta cheese
                                                                                                    chopped fresh parsley
        Having decided that permanent expat life was not for us, we returned to UK in               Salt and pepper
       1985.  I  had  had  some  success  as  a  volunteer  fundraiser  for  the  new  Anglican
       cathedral  and  diocese  of  Cyprus  and  the  Gulf.  Building  on  this  experience  I      Tagliatelle, linguine, spaghetti or Pappardelle your choice
       wanted to become a professional fundraiser in the charitable sector in the UK. I
       was fortunate to be able to join firstly Help the Aged, and a little later the NSPCC    Method
       in  fundraising  roles.    At  the  NSPCC  I  ran  the  regional  network  of  organisers  and
       committees.  Both  these  excellent  charities  were  a  great  training  ground  as  the   1.   Put  your  pasta  water  on,  then  cook  your  pasta  while  preparing  your
       world  of  fundraising  slowly  became  more  professionalised.  One  of  the  NSPCC’s        mushrooms
       greatest,  but  very  low-profile,  supporters  was  Margaret  Thatcher.  I  had  the   2.    Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Add the mushrooms and cook for about 4
       privilege  of  meeting  her  a  couple  of  times.  One  occasion  was  at  an  amazing       mins  until  browned.  then  add  the  onion,  thyme  and  most  of  the  garlic
       fundraising  reception  held  at  Number  10,  with  Princess  Margaret,  the  charity’s      reserving a little garlic to add later.
       President, when business leaders pledged many millions of pounds to the cause.
                                                                                               3.    Let that cook for a couple of mins then add the tomato paste a little salt and
       Towards the end of 1989 I received a phone call asking if I might be interested in            pepper.
       applying for a job with a ‘Major National Charity based on the south coast’. As an      4.    Stir in the wine and tin tomatoes ( I always add a pinch of sugar when cooking
       offshore sailor my immediate thought was that this had to be the RNLI. Suppressing            with tomatoes, your choice)
       the  excitement  I  felt,  I  answered  only  that I  might  perhaps  be  interested!  It  was
       indeed the RNLI who were recruiting a new Director of Fundraising, and after an         5.    Bring to a simmer, cover and cook for 5mins
       interview  process,  I  was  appointed  and  moved  to  Poole  midway  through  1990.   6.    Combine  the  ricotta  with  the  remaining  garlic,  small  handful  of  chopped
       Domestically this fitted quite well for Di and our children as all three were at points       parsley and a grind of pepper.
       in  their  school  lives  which  could  cope  with  the  move.  We  were  introduced  to   7.   Drain your pasta and add to the mushrooms. Mix together and serve with a
       Shitterton Farmhouse by my sister-in-law from Briantspuddle, and bought it from Mr            scoop of creamy ricotta on top. Yummy.
       and Mrs Gooch in June 1990. Di’s mother moved with us and lived there until her
       death in 2010.

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