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April 2024                                                                           April 2024
       BERE REGIS RECIPE BOOK                                                               VILLAGE HALL

                                                                                            Bere Regis Village Hall AGM Monday 15  April at
       Both  these  recipes  were  made  for  the  History  society  meeting  at  the  end  of
       February.                                                                            7pm all welcome

                                                                                            Hall Bookings

       MONKS PUDDING                                                                        If you  want  to book the Village  Hall  please contact  our   VILLAGE
       (Bere Regis recipe book)                                                             b o o k i n g    S e c r e t a r y    J o a n n a    S y r e t t   HALL
            Stale sponge cakes                                                     or telephone   01929 472037
                                                                                            she will also  be  able  to show you  around if  you are not
            Jam                                                                            familiar with the building.
            3 eggs                                                                         The Hall has two rooms to offer for hire the picture show how these can look when
            2 oz butter 1 oz sugar                                                         set out.
            1 gill sherry
                                                                                            The Lower room is £10 an hour and the upper Hall is £15 an hour
       Put  the  sponge  cakes  in  buttered  pie  dish
       pour over the sherry and stand to soak

       Spread a  layer  of  any kind  of stone  less jam  on  the top of the cakes   melt  the
       butter and mix it with the eggs  (well beaten) and the sugar.  Pour this over the
       sponge cakes and bake slowly in a moderate oven until set.  Serve hot or cold

       Alison  Lynham  cooked  this  for  the  meeting  using  Di  Ventham’s  strawberry  jam.
       She never has stale cake and had to make the sponge cake specially.   On this
       occasion it was cooked for 25/30 minutes @ 160 C.  The pudding has a set custard
       top.  I found it sweet.    We think it was better the next day as it was firmer and
       best served with cream. It’s a bit like a warm trifle very sweet.   Would be good
       served with custard.
       I have memories of my mother using up stale sponge with custard, Jam, bananas
       or tinned fruit.  (No sherry)  It is a good way of using old cake and makes a good
       easy pudding  for hungry children.  Actually men quite like it too.                                                          Quality Tax and

       I searched the internet for references to Monks pudding and found nothing like          KingsBere                                Accounting
       the  Bere  Regis  recipe.    There  were  references  to  various  blood  puddings  and
       sticky toffee pudding but nothing resembling the above.                                                                 For professional advice, dealing with all
                                                                                               Accountants                          aspects of accounts and tax
       VICTORIA BUNS two versions
                                                                                                                               Day and evening appointments available
       (Bere Regis recipe book)
       Version 1
            1 egg                                                                                   Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
            Its weight in flour                                                                             

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