Page 18 - BR April 2024 - converted
P. 18

April 2024                                                                           April 2024
       If you need further guidance, you can also contact the Electoral services team on:                                              that  this  might  only  capture
                                                                                                                                       some  oranges  and  the  rest
       Email:                                                                                           (those  that  hadn’t  got  stuck)
                                                                                                                                       might   escape   downstream
       Tel: 01305 838299                                                                                                               w h i c h    w o u l d    n o t    b e
       To cast your vote in the upcoming elections, you must be registered by Tuesday, 16                                              environmentally sound.
       April, 2024. If you’re not already registered, you can complete the process on the                                              After much consideration, it was
       Government’s  website.  Voters  only  need  to  register  once,  unless  they  have                                             decided to run the event when
       changed their name or address.                                                                                                  the scouts next met, so those of

                                                                                                                                       us  who  had  an  orange  in  the
       Postal votes:                                                                                                                   running  would  have  to  wait  till
       There is no need for people to provide photo ID if you vote by post, but you will
       need to give your National Insurance number and date of birth.
       Once your postal vote is set up, whenever an election, referendum or poll at which   And then … a hero appeared! Tim, a
       you are entitled to vote is called, you will be sent a postal poll card giving details of   local resident, offered to stand in the
       the forthcoming election, referendum or poll.  This will be followed by a postal vote   middle  of  the  stream  and  field  the
       pack.                                                                               oranges  as  they  came  along.  And
                                                                                           that’s exactly what he did. He waded

                                                                                           in  without  wellies  and  the  race  was
       Bike It Plus                                                                        on.

       More children are now cycling to school                                             The  onlookers  were  pretty  amazed
       in Dorset thanks to the success of the Bike                                         and  cheered  Tim  on.  The  first  three
       It Plus project, says a new report.                                                 oranges  to  arrive  at  the  scout  hut
                                                                                           were  numbers  21,  16  and  1,  and  the
       Bike  It  Plus,  which  is  funded  by  Dorset                                      winners  were  Janet  Brown,  Nancy
       Council  and  run  by  the  charity  Sustrans,                                      Gibson and Laurie Fairhurst.
       has  been  working  with  schools  across
       Dorset  to  help  encourage  more  young                                                                                       The   prizes   were   Terry’s
       people to walk, cycle or wheel to school.                                                                                      Chocolate  Oranges  and  the
                                                                                                                                      event  raised  about  £50  for  the
       In  the  past  year,  the  project  has                                                                                        church.  The  remaining  oranges
       supported  over  36  schools  to  deliver fun                                                                                  were  collected  from  the  stream
       and  engaging  activities  that  boost  the  skill  levels  of  young  people  in  walking,                                    and  will  be  used  to  make
       wheeling or cycling.  Giving children and their parents the confidence and ability                                             marmalade which will be sold to
       to travel to and from school actively.                                                                                         raise further funds.
       Activities have included learn to ride, cycle confidence and scooter skills sessions,
       as well as bike maintenance and repair workshops.  Bike It Plus officers have also
       run community events, interactive school assemblies, competitions, and breakfasts
       to help tackle some of the barriers and challenges to active travel.
       The sessions have proven to be very popular and last year were attended by over
       15,000 children, staff and parents.  As a result, over 470 children in the county have
       been supported to learn how to ride a bike or improve their cycling skills. According

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