Page 14 - BR April 2024 - converted
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April 2024                                                                           April 2024
                                                                                            The Benefit to Us
                                                                                            The Parish Giving Scheme is a 21st century solution to allow
        At  this  time of year,  we  are  beckoned outside                                  effective and efficient Direct Debit to local parish churches.
        after a long, cold and often wet winter.  Spring
        has  sprung  and  all  creation  calls  us  to  go                                  Through your generous commitment, the Parish Giving
        outside, to tend to our gardens and to admire                                       Scheme will bring many benefits for our local churches
        the new life around us.                                                               The scheme is free for churches and givers to use.
        The benefits to our health from time outside are
        well  known.    Growing  something  from  a  small                                    Less cash donations are handled, so it’s safer for our volunteers and their time
        seed  to  a  flourishing  plant  or  flower  requires                                  spent counting and banking cash donations is reduced.
        care, skill and patience which not only brings us
        satisfaction but also slows us down.  Unlike life in                                  Income from giving is less prone to fluctuation when people are away from
        the modern world, nothing in nature is instant or                                      church for whatever reason  - a steady income makes our budgeting and
        immediate – it will not be rushed.                                                     planning so much easier.

        In this Easter Season, our scriptures also draw us                                    Gift Aid is claimed through the scheme so a great deal of time and work is
        outside.    On  Easter  morning,  Mary  Magdalene                                      saved.
        finds  herself  in  a  garden,  outside  of  Jesus’s
        tomb,  so  much  so  that  she  mistakes  the  resurrected  Christ  for  the  gardener.
        There is a vast passage of time between Adam and Eve’s banishment from the
        Garden of Eden to that moment when, in a garden, Mary realises that it is the       The Benefit to You
        risen Christ who calls her by name.   Yet now in that garden, Mary and all who
        throughout  the  ages  proclaim,  ‘I  have  seen  the  Lord’  are  restored  to  God’s     Your giving happens electronically, avoiding the need for cash or cheques.
        eternal presence.
                                                                                              You can choose to give monthly, quarterly, or annual  - whatever suits.
        Maybe then there is something in the Easter Season when the resurrected Christ is
        ‘made known’ to us that can help us as we – as the Church of today – seek to          You can alter the amount of your gift at any time.
        make him known.  Firstly, we need to go outside: to be active in our communities,
        in our schools and in reaching out to all as we show them the love of God; the        The Parish Giving Scheme is a not for profit organization, so the full value of
        God who – through Jesus – calls us by name.  And secondly, all of this takes time.     your donation is used to support our churches.
        There can be an understandable anxiety about the often low numbers of people          The Direct Debit Scheme is backed by guarantee, so your money and
        who come to church.  Yet let us never forget that it took time for the good news
        of  Jesus  Christ  to  spread  through  active  discipleship  –  like  growth  in  a  garden,   transactions are safe
        nothing  of  this  was  immediate  or  instant  –  we  need  to  persevere.  As  the     If you prefer, you can choose to remain anonymous
        Declaration of Assent made by all who are being ordained or licenced to a new
        appointment states, our faith is one that the church is called upon to ‘proclaim      Should you wish to opt to increase your gift each year, you can do this easily.
        afresh to each generation.’
        I  pray  that  we  can  do  this;  go  outside,  take  time  to  build  relationships  with  all
        around us, show to all the love, compassion and forgiveness of God and in doing     Join the Parish Giving Scheme to support our churches today  -  ask
        so Make Jesus Known afresh, to all generations.                                     your church representative for a printed gift form

                                                                                            For Bere Regis   -  Glo Curtis  - 472620   -
                                                                                            For Affpuddle   -  Richard Killer  - 471202

                                                                                            Or go online:
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