Page 20 - BR April 2024 - converted
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April 2024                                                                           April 2024
       Road  closures  are  from  8am  to  5pm.  Onsite  team  members  are  available  to   CASTLE PLAYERS  -
       address residents’ queries.
                                                                                            LYTCHETT MATRAVERS
       Advance  notice  signs  are  displayed  before  the  start  of  work.  The  signs  contain
       contact information

       Residents are asked to not park vehicles on the road/verges when the work is due    Castle Players present Love at the
       to start: ‘No parking’ boards will be erected 2-3 days in advance.                  Musicals
       A note about micro-surfacing                                                        After a four year break due to the time that shall not
       On  application,  the  micro-asphalt  may  look  ‘open’  with  some  loose  chippings.   be  named  in  2022,  it  was  an  extremely  successful
       However, after a few weeks (or longer, depending on traffic volumes) the material   panto  season  (oh  yes  it  was!)  with  Dick  Whittington,
       will  bed  in.  It  is  not  recommended  that  the  material  is  rolled  as  this  brings  the   written and directed by Linsey O'Neill. It was amazing
       ‘binder’, which sits below the surface, to the top; this would affect the final texture   to  be  back  in  friont  of  the  family  audiences  with  lots  of  children joining  in  the
       and performance. The contractor may sweep up any excess chippings.                  audience  number  and  lots  of  people coming  forward  saying  they  want  to  be
                                                                                           involved. Pantos really are great when there's lots of people involved!
       The  locations  being  treated  in  February  and  March  in  date  order  by  two  crews
       working at the same time, are below.   Find all roadworks and road closures on the   Moving  onto  our  Spring  production,  Castle  Players  will  be  presenting  a  variety
       Dorset Council map, including dates and times. Please note, dates are weather-      show - Love at the Musicals. With lots of singing, sketches and entertainment, for
       dependent.                                                                          two nights you can come and enjoy yourselves and get immersed in all of your
                                                                                           favourites!  The  show  runs  on  the  10th  and  11th  May  at  7:30pm  in  Lytchett
                                                                                           Matravers   Village   Hall.   You   can   get   tickets   on   our   website   at

       Council Tax Premium on                                                     - we hope to see you there!
       Second homes and
       empty houses in Dorset

       Dor se t   Counci l l or s   h ave                                                  MILBORNE MOVIES
       approved proposals for a council
       tax  premium  on  second  homes                                                      The advertised film we shall be showing in Milborne St
       and an amendment to agree an                                                         Andrew Village Hall is as follows
       earlier  commencement  date  for
       the  existing  Long  Term  Empty                                                     The Colour Purple (2023)
       Homes  premium,  under  the  new                                                     Friday 19th April 2024 at 7.30pm
       flexibilities for councils provided in                                               Village Hall, The Causeway, Milborne St Andrew DT11
       the  Levelling  Up  and  Regeneration  Bill,  which  received  Royal  Assent  in  October
       2023.                                                                                0JX

       For  those  properties  classified  as  Long-Term  Empty  and  Unoccupied  a  100%   Doors and bar open 7.00pm
       premium will, from 1 April 2024, be applied after one year rather than the existing 2   Tickets cost £6, which includes a drink or an ice-cream
                                                                                            For  those  that  saw  the  original,  the  rough  edges  of  Steven  Spielberg’s  1985
       The introduction of the 100% council tax premium on second homes will come into      adaptation of The Colour Purple have been softened by the evocative energy of
       effect  on  1  April  2025,  making  a  total  council  tax charge  of  200%.  Unlike  empty   this movie-musical’s three female leads.
       dwellings, there is no requirement for a property to have been used as a second
       home  for  a  fixed  period  of  time  before  the  premium  can  apply  so  it  becomes   Synopsis:
       chargeable  from  day  one  that  a  property  is  considered  a  second  home  (or   In  1909  Celie  a  black  American  girl  is  given  away  in  marriage  by  her  abusive
       dwelling periodically occupied).

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