Page 22 - BR April 2024 - converted
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April 2024                                                                           April 2024

                       BERE REGIS NEWS                                                                                              POETRY CORNER

       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            Soldier
                                                                                            I used to play with action man, when I was a boy of four.
                                                                                            Camouflage and khaki were the only colours I wore.
       Chairman:       n Park   07970 727792
                                                                                            I’ve always been an innocent. Some would say a green.
                                                                                            It’s never been a choice of mine. It’s just the way it’s been.
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890
       Chairman:  Benjafield
       Parish     Amanda    07855 396073                           I wanted to be a soldier. I joined up at seventeen.
       Clerk:     Crocker                                                                   I wanted to drive a tank, but they gave me a tambourine.
                                                                                            I never saw the enemy. I never went to war.
                                                                                            Killing tunes in the army band’s the only death I saw.

                                                                                            Books on guns, I’ve read them all. I’ve read the magazines.
       The Parish Council met on Thursday 14  March 2024 in the Village Hall. There were    The movies with the soldiers are the only ones I’ve seen.
       two  members  of  the  public  present.  Members  of  the  press  and  public  are   I gather the memorabilia and it doesn’t gather dust.
       welcome  and  there  is  a  period  for  public  participation  at  the  start.  If  you  are   I keep it clean and polished, so it doesn’t turn to rust.
       unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the
       Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.                                           I’ve never been aggressive. I bottle it up inside.

                                                                                            When I was a private, I can honestly say I tried.

       Village Meeting                                                                      I stood up to attention and I did what I was told,
       Due  to  the  up  and  coming  local  elections,  we  have  been  advised  by  Dorset   But the officer’s attention was a thing I couldn’t hold.
       Council  that  the  Annual  Village  Meeting  should  be  postponed.  We  are  now     With  my  bush  hat  and  my  para  boots,  the  trooper  in  me
       aiming to hold it in July, when we hope to have a draft of the Neighbourhood Plan
       Review available to the public to read and discuss. We will announce the exact       thrives.
       date in the coming weeks.                                                            I’ll show them I’m a soldier if the chance to fight arrives.
                                                                                            I’ll show them I’m a soldier, and I’ll show them I’m a man,

                                            D-Day Events                                    And if it means another war, I’ll start one if I can.

                                            We  are  currently  planning  for  the  80                                           Paul J Openshaw
                                            Anniversary  of  D-Day  in  June,  and
                                            intend  to  light  the  beacon  on  the
                                            evening of Thursday 6  June and have
                                            some  refreshments  available.  If  you
                                            would  like  to  be  involved  in  helping
                                            organise  any  additional  events  to
                                            commemorate this, please contact the
                                            Clerk on

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