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April 2023                                                                           April 2023
                                                       of  names  of  people  who
                                                       would  be  prepared  to              OPEN THE BOOK
                                                       help out in some way and
                                                       the  more  of  us  there  are
                                                       the  less  there  is  for  any       Every other week a group of church members go into Bere Regis Primary School
                                                       one  individual  to  do  so          for  an  assembly  to  act  out  a  bible  story  under  the  direction  of  a  nationwide
                                                       please  join  in  and  let  me       organisation called “Open the Book”. Because so much of our culture is based on
                                                       have your details and your           references to the bible, built up over the last two thousand years, it is useful for the
                                                       availability.   We   intend          children to see these stories.
                                                       having a celebratory meal
                                                       together   for   all   the           But the whole scheme is designed to be multi- cultural and suitable for children of
                                                       volunteers  to  celebrate            any faith. The stories come mainly from a publication called the Lion Story Teller
                                                       what   will   be   a   truly         Bible,  with  some  additional  material  written  by  similar  people.  The  introduction
                                                       successful  open  gardens.           and  conclusion  have  been  written  by  “Open  the  Book”,  with  great  regard  to
       If  anyone  can  sort  a  guarantee  for  good  weather  you  will  be  heralded  as   present  the  bible  stories  without  any  evangelism.  The  children  seem  to  hugely
       volunteer of the event and awarded a dutiable prize for you part in the day.         enjoy the Open the Book visits, especially when, as often happens, some of the
                                                                                            children act in the stories and receive a sticker.
       As we gradually see life getting back to something of what we knew as normal
       and  enjoyable  times  working  together  as  a  community  let's  make  this  open   Recently the first story in The Bible, The Creation, was acted out and some of the
       gardens a day to remember!                                                           children  helped  out  as  birds,  bees,  butterflies,  fish  and  animals,  here  are  some
       All the proceeds of the day go to supporting the village hall and in particular the
       large amount of money needing to be found for future thatching of the hall when
       it  is  needed  and  so  all  help  is  very  gratefully  received  and  so  thank  you  in
                                                                   Stuart Chorley
                                      Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
                                   email mobile 07818078191



       Readers  will  recall  that,  last  year,  resident’s
       views were sought on a range of traffic issues
       in  the  parish.    Considerable  feedback  was
       received,  a  summary  of  the  results  was
       previously  published  and  this  has  led  directly  to  the  creation  of  a  Community
       Speed Watch scheme.  A group of volunteers has now been trained – more are
       welcome to join – the Parish Council have purchased the kit and Briantspuddle &
       Affpuddle CSW has commenced operations.
       The  Community  Speed  Watch  scheme  involves  groups  of  volunteers  monitoring
       traffic  speeds  from  time  to  time  within  30mph  zones  across  the  parish.  This  is

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