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April 2023                                                                           April 2023

                           CHURCH AND VILLAGE                                               JUNIOR CHURCH NEWS

                                                                                            Family Service for March
                                                                                            The Theme of this service was Living Water with a
        Association  Contact  Tel      Address      E-mail     Meetings/Info                whole  series  of  crafts  based  on  water  in  the
                                                                                            “Hour Before” and a celebration through hymns,
                                                                                            action songs, puppet songs and a drama in the
        Autumn Leaves  -  First   Sylvia Bayliss   472697      sbayliss194@ou  1st Thursday at 2.30pm at   short service which followed.
        Thursday Club                        the Scout Hut
                      Sue Stone   472083            susan97stone@                           Jesus  was  travelling  from  Jerusalem  to  Galilee,
                                                                                            which involved going through Samaria. The Jews
        Bere Regis Bell Ringers   Adrian   471774              Normal practice night  -     and  the Samaritans  did  not get  on.  Whilst  Jesus
                      Standfield                               Wednesdays 6.30 p.m. to      rested  at  a  well  a  Samaritan  women  came  to
                      Jenny Clifford                           7.30 p.m.
                                                                                            draw  water  at  the  unusual  time  of  noon.  This
                                                                                            woman  was  looked  down  on  by  her  fellow
        Bere Regis Book Group   Lesley Clark   01929           First Tuesday of the month
                                 471732                        at 2.30 p.m.. Various        people because of her life style, many husbands
                                                               locations                    and  now  a  man  that  she  was  not  married  to,
                                                                                            which is  probably  why  she drew  her water  at a
        Bere Regis Primary   Rachael Brown  471334   Southbrook   office@berereg  Primary and Pre-school for
        School and Pre-School   -  Headteacher   Bere Regis   pupils aged 2-11years.                 time  that  the  well  was  not  much  used.  Given
                                       BH20 7DB                                                                         that  she  was  a  Samaritan,  a  woman  and  not
                                                               Separate pre-school
                                                               facilities at 'Pebbles' for 2-                           always  accepted,  she  was  shocked  that  Jesus
                                                               4years                                                   spoke to her and asked her for a drink. Then out

                                                               Breakfast club available                                 of  the blue he  started talking about the “Living
                                                               from 7.45am for children                                 Water” that he could give her.
                                                               over 3 years.
        Bere Regis Floral Group  Bob Holman   01305   Camelot, Affpuddle,  bobdiholman@  2nd Tuesday at                 Jesus  is  not  just  looking  for  the  obvious  people.
                                 848262   DT2 7HH   Winterborne Kingston                               He  is  looking  to
                                                               village hall
                                                                                                                        c a r e    f o r
        Bere Regis Gardening    Sue Stone   472083   97 North Street, Bere   susan97stone@  Monthly.  Village Hall
        Club                           Regis, BH20 7LD   1st Tuesday.  7.30 p.m.
                                                                                                                        Our  next  family
        Bere Regis Junior   Pat Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage,   peterwharf@bti  Second Sunday of every             service   is   on
        Church                         West Street   month in Church 10.000-                              Easter  Sunday.
                                                               11.00 a.m.
                                                                                                                        The service is at
                                                                                                                        11:00 and  there
        Bere Regis Parish   Moira Mathers           Bereregis.parish  Monthly, Village Hall                             is   an   “Hour
        Council                                     council.chair@  2nd Thursday
                                                                         Before”  for  crafts  and rehearsals.  Do come  and
                                                                                            join us on this most important day.
        Bere Regis Sports Club   Andy Kent   471079   94 North Street   membership@b  Village football and cricket
        Cricket       Herbie Swann   472812   teams for all ages                                               PW
        Bere Regis Folk Nights   Pip Evans          pipthebass@bti  Folk music evenings,, last
                                             Tuesday, 7.30, Skittle Alley,
                                                               Drax Arms

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