Page 82 - apr2023
P. 82

April 2023                            April 2023

       involve  children  in  the  service  once  a  month  in  any  way  we  can.  I  am  taking
       more of a back seat now and younger people are coming through, and we have
       a team of about seven committee members and helpers. I joined the Parochial
       Church Council, the PCC, to defend Junior Church.

       In  about  2006  I  was  on  a  church  course  in  Salisbury  and  saw  a  group  using
       puppets to singalong to “You Raise me Up” the song made popular by Westlife.  It
       was mesmerising and I thought it would be a perfect way to re-engage a couple
       of Junior Church children who were becoming less interested. I took them along
       to see the puppets and they were really taken with them. We performed our first
       puppet song at a pets’ service in 2008. The young puppeteers and puppets went
       on  to  win  a  ‘Pop  In  Award’  at  the  village  show.    By  2014  we  had  about  20
       puppeteers  and  we  are  still  using  puppets  and  children  each  month  in  Junior
       Church singing two songs, which we can move around in the service.
       I’m a  maverick. I like  something  a bit different.   For  example,  at  Christmas  time
       children in Junior Church make Happy Birthday Jesus cakes and deliver them to
       the older people in the parish, our ‘Honoured Oldies’. We give a cake to as many
       older people as we know about. We have done this now for about 10 years.

                                              I  am  also  involved  in  the  Bible
                                              Society’s ‘Open the Book’ which is a
                                              national  scheme.  A  trained  and
                                              supported team of volunteers go into
                                              different local schools and tell or act
                                              out  the  stories  from  the  Bible.  I  am
                                              part of a team of twelve and we go
                                              into  the  schools  in  Bere  Regis  and
                                              Wool  once  a  fortnight.  We  don’t
                                              evangelise, we just act out the story
                                              in the school’s assembly. The Bible is
                                              such huge influence on our culture it
                                              is  important  that  children  know  the

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