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April 2023                                                                           April 2023

       NIGHTWALK....CHASING SHADOWS                                                         LOCAL CHOIR NEWS

                                   Leaving the hypnotic silver stream  and its ghostly      News from Briantspuddle Singers
                                   river mist behind me I strike out across Mays Wood.
                                   The full moon now high in the clear night sky casts      Following our  successful  Christmas programme,  we are  now  rehearsing  with our
                                   me  in  long  shadow  on  the  grassy  path  ahead.      conductor  Michael  Moorsom  for  our  Summer  Concert.  This  will  be  held  in  the
                                   Passing  through  the  gated  enclosure  of  Mays        Village Hall at Briantspuddle, on Saturday 20  May, starting at 3.00pm. It will be an
                                   Wood I bear left up the ancient holloway to Black        occasion  to  celebrate  the  coronation  of  our  new  King,  and  will  include  music
                                   Hill.  Despite  the  claustrophobic  nature  of  the     from  Queen  Elizabeth’s  coronation  along  with  Mozart’s  Coronation  Mass,
                                   tunnel  of  trees  woven  overhead  the  moon  lights    followed  by  a  cream  tea.  Everyone  is  invited  to  attend,  there  is  no  charge,
                                   the way.                                                 although donations towards the expenses would be very welcome.
                                   The bare trees of winter allowing plenty of light to     The  choir  meets  every  Tuesday  evening  in  the  Village  Hall,  new  members  are
                                   filter  through. I  tread softly, feeling each footstep   always welcome. If you are interested, please phone Andrea or just come along
                                   down. The path is littered with twigs and avoiding       on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm.
                                   snapping  one  with  a  clumsy  footstep  is  vital.                                                   Andrea Smith (01929471412)
                                   Since entering the holloway I was aware of being
       As I passed from the gate to the path I had seen two sika in the moonlight on the
       wide strip of grass that runs parallel  between the Mays Wood fence and the path     Choral Evensong in Affpuddle
       to  Black  Hill.  They  are  often  there  at  night  and  tonight  was  no  exception.  As  I   As  part  of  the  parish's  Coronation  celebrations,  the  Barn  Choir,  directed  by
       silently  went  I  could  hear  them  tracking  me  from  above,  occasionally  I  would   Richard Hall, will be presenting a Choral Evensong at St Laurence's, Affpuddle on
       glimpse them between the trees. When I stop they stop, as they try to identify the   Wednesday  3rd  May  at 5.30  pm.  The  music  will be  drawn  mainly  from the  17th
       intruder  in  their  world.  I  will  encounter  many  more  before  the  night  is  over.   and  18th  centuries  and  will  include  several  works  performed  at  Coronation

                                                                                            Services of that period.
       The  holloway  behind  me  I  pass  through  the  gate  and  enter  the  ancient
       woodland, the trees tower overhead their bare branches casting shadows in the        Come and join us and have a glass wine and some nibbles afterwards!
       moonlight.  Much  as  I  love  late  Spring  and  early  Summer  when  they  are
       magnificent in their colour there is something about ancient trees in Winter. With
       their  bare  bones  exposed  we  see  their  soul.  Gnarly,  crooked  branches  taking
       torturous routes to reach skyward, awaiting Spring to stir from their slumber again.
       Walking on up through the wood I continue to tread softly. Looking up as I walk      Choral Services and Musical Events at St Peter’s Church,
       the   bare   trees   make    it   easy   to   spot   roosting   pheasants.           Dorchester during April

       I have found if you keep walking they will stay put, silently watching from above.    Music  at  St  Peter’s  will  be  presenting  two  events  during  April.  Firstly,  on  Good
       But stop below them and all hell will break loose as they scatter with that familiar   Friday 7   April at 6pm there will be a performance of Stainer’s ‘Crucifixion’. The
       pheasant cry of alarm, warning every nocturnal animal within a mile of danger        choir will be accompanied by the organist Chris Dowie and we welcome Colin
       and    causing   roosting   pigeons   to   join   them   in   the   confusion.       Howard and Stefan Oakes as tenor and bass soloists. The performance is offered
       Passing through the woodland I reach Devils Stone. I always stop here, lean on       as an act of worship, so admission is free and all are welcome.
       the gleaming moonlit stone and look down on the Piddle valley below. On a night      Later  in  the  month  on  Saturday  22   April,  Choral  Evensong  for  Easter  will  take
       like tonight with the full moon and a million twinkling stars above the view is truly   place at 4.30pm. The music includes: Parry ‘My soul there is a country’, Sumsion
       magical, enhanced by just the sounds of the night. No growling tanks on training     ‘Preces & Responses’, Howells ‘Gloucester Service’ and Stanford ‘Ye choirs of new
       manoeuvres  to  spoil  it  tonight,  though  the  light  pollution  from  Bovington  Camp   Jerusalem’. Graham Scott is at the organ and Ian Davis directing. Do join us for a
       lights the horizon to the south.                                                     glass of wine after the service.

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