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April 2023                            April 2023
 DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT    of rocky hills where none should go   she puffed a flame, as dragons should,
     to incite the wrath of the wicked foe.   not  cold  water  as  poor  Cuthbert
 Dorset Council closes the      While Cuthbert, in his lair, can doze,   The pair just bonded, a perfect team
     to relax in peace and calm repose.
 gender pay gap                              together raising clouds of steam.
     Undisturbed, he can pass the days
 Every  year  employers  with  more  than   in quiet thought and simply laze.    From their cave, the continual hiss
 250 must publish figures on differences      as they lived a life of perfect bliss.
 in  pay  between  their  employees
 through the Government's gender pay   When a lady dragon, one day, appeared,   Chris Nother
 gap service. Nationally, out of the 307   no armoured knight, as Cuthbert feared,
 councils  that  submitted  data,  the
 average  local  authority  paid  women
 3% less than their male colleagues – a
 small  improvement  from  3.3%  the  year  before.  Female  employees  at  Dorset
 Council  (in  total)  earned  2%  more  than  men  for  the  year  ending  March  2022
 although this is a slightly smaller difference than last year.   Trophy Hunter

     It must have been after dark, the very first time it went.
 Boundary Commission   It would have been quite easy for anyone with a bent.
 We expect Parliament to approve the new parliamentary boundaries by July 1st   A touch with cordless screwdriver, then tweak with a gemmy bar,
 this  year.  There  are  several  suggested  changes  and  some  recent  alternatives   And the village sign would disappear into the boot of a car.
 have been proposed. The consultation period on this has now closed so we await
 the conclusions with interest.   Safeguarding steps have been taken, as a trophy hunter will see.
     If you want to steal the village sign now, you’ll need a JCB.

 Fuel Bills   It’s never that straightforward and sometimes may require skill.
 The  government’s  Energy  Bills  Support  Scheme  Alternative  Funding  (EBSS   Somebody told me once, “if something can happen it will”.
 Alternative Funding) is now open for applications. The EBSS Alternative Funding is   It might need a craftsman, who can use a specialist tool,
 a payment of £400 to households who do not have a direct relationship with an   And someone without morals who won’t mind breaking a rule.
 energy supplier and therefore were unable to previously receive it. This includes   Safeguarding steps have been taken, as a trophy hunter will see.
 residents living in park homes, houseboats or off the electricity grid or who pay for
 their energy through a landlord, housing manager or site owner. Applications can   If you want to steal the village sign now, you’ll need a JCB.
 be made through an online form on the government website.
     Purbeck stone was the answer. A piece fit for purpose was found,

     And etched with the word “Shitterton”, before rooting it underground.
 Dorset Council introduces sign language communications   It is no more purloined. In defiance the village sign stands,
 The  deaf  community  are  now  able  to  communicate  in  real  time  with  Dorset   Where it poses more of a challenge to the work of idle hands.
 Council thanks to our partnership with SignVideo using British Sign Language (BSL).   Safeguarding steps have been taken, as a trophy hunter will see.
 SignVideo  is  an  online  video  interpreting  service  that  connects  users  with  a
 qualified  BSL  interpreter  and  relays  their  query  to  a  customer  advisor.  We  are   If you want to steal the village sign now, you’ll need a JCB.
 always  looking  to  improve  accessibility,  remove  barriers  and  provide  inclusive
 services that are designed for our communities and their needs. We want to make   Paul J Openshaw (March 2023)

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