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April 2023                                                                           April 2023
                                                                                           getting specific and detailed answers to questions.  As Solicitor General I answer
                                                                                           oral  questions  from  MPs  in  the  Chamber  every  5-6  weeks,  but  I  answer  written
       BERE REGIS                                                                          questions almost every week, and sometimes several times a week. Contributions
       SURGERY NEWS                                                                        to  debates,  oral  and  written  questions,  and  Select  Committee  questions  are  all
                                                                                           published on the Parliamentary website, to ensure transparency and openness for
        We  will  be  closed  on  Friday  7th  April  and                                  I have been out and about in the constituency as usual, and working to resolve
        M o n d a y      1 0 t h     A p r i l .                                           issues  for  people  as  they  arise.  Several  residents  had  contacted  me  recently
        We re-open on Tuesday 11th April at 08:30.                                         about  a  local  accident  blackspot,  and  I  am  pleased  that  following  my

         Whilst we are closed over the Easter period                                       intervention, Google’s online map has been updated, and Dorset Council will be
        if you  have a  medical  emergency phone  999. If you require  medical  help  and   refreshing  the  road  markings.  I  have  also  been  updating  residents  across  the
        advice, phone 111 or visit                                              constituency  about  Government  grants  for  insulation,  and  energy  support  for
                                                                                           those who do not have mains gas -you can find out more about both of these on
                                                                                           my website.

                                                                                           Organisations and charities often get in touch with helpful information, and each
                                                                                           month I will be sharing these through my “Community Notices”. Please do email
                                                                                           me if you have anything you would like to be included – you can find last month’s
                                                                                           I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch if
                                                                                           there is something you need help with, or if you’d like me to visit your organisation
                                                                                           or  business.  Email  me  on  or  contact  my
                                                                                           office  on  01202  624216.  You  can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been
                                                                                           doing   on    Twitter   @Michael4mdnp    or   Facebook
                                                                                       or   on   my   website

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Michael Tomlinson KC

                                               Elm Vintage Teas offers
                                              vintage tea party events.
                                                                                              Michael Tomlinson MP          LOCAL MEMBER OF
                                                All occasions catered for:                    holds regular surgeries             PARLIAMENT
                                                                                              in the constituency.  For
                                              Wakes       Celebrations of life                 details of forthcoming
         Contact us:                                                                          surgeries or to make an   
         Web -     Christenings       Birthdays                       appointment, please       01202 624216
         Email -   Anniversaries     Weddings                          contact his office.
         Phone – 07368 976046                                                                                          

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