Page 48 - apr2023
P. 48

April 2023                            April 2023

 CHAGFORD OPEN AIR POOL   They,  all  three,  are  all  very  doubtful  abut  climate  change  and  are  sure  that
       mankind is responsible for it and that we should be doing a lot more to prevent it.
       This is not all,  as we saw on television last night, pollution is not only the cause of
 “I came down here in 1985 and fell in love with the place!”. Sue Sutherland gazed   climate change, it is a severe health hazard not only to mankind but to all living
 over the pool on a balmy August day. She did not need to put into words her love   things.  Paul  Whitehouse’s  program,  Our  Troubled  Rivers,  on  Sunday  evening,  in
 of Chagford Pool as it was there for all to see and summed up the spirit of the   which  he  placed  great  empathies  on  how  we  were  destroying  the  natural
 place.   environments of our streams and rivers, particularly our own chalk water courses.
 Set  in  wonderful  rolling  Devon  hills  on  the  very  edge of  Dartmoor,  the  pool  has   There  must  be  something
 been enjoyed by generations as a place to come, relax, have a gentle swim and   happy  and  hopeful  to  write
 chat with friends.    about and I am sorry for all the
       doom and gloom. Perhaps on
 When  I  arrived,  she  was  still  there…  Pam      a  lighter  note  I  ought  to  say
 Pidgeon,  now  well  in  her  seventies,  was   what  Old  Bob,  a  very  early
 manning  the  entrance  kiosk.  I  first  met   workmate  of  mine  said.  Old
 Pam  in  2007  when  I  was  on  a  quest  to   Bob  didn’t  believe  in  engines
 swim a mile in every UK lido. Pam must be   used  to  drive  machines  and
 something of a local institution as she has   vehicles,  “What  about  ‘orses
 served  behind  the  tea  shed  counter  for   he would say’? He had grown
 almost  thirty  five years. I loved  this  place   up at a time when shire horses
 which fuelled my determination to come   were the mainstay of the aid to the farming workforce.
 back one day.
       He did ride a bicycle but even when three speed models came in Bob couldn’t
 The  pool  was  opened 1934  and  dug out   get  the  ’ang  of  it.  I  remember  as  a  youngster  of  ten,  I  was  coming  up  to  the
 by  hand  by  local  residents  on  land  given  to  the  village  by  the  wealthy  Hayter-  allotments, where he lived in an estate cottage and he happened to be up at
 Hames family on condition that if it ceased to be used as a public swimming pool,   the roadside and ‘e saw me coming and yelled out “Stay where e be tis a car
 the land would revert back to the family. Pam’s dad was one of a gang of local   cumin”.  The  car  was  about  one  hundred  yards  away  so  I  crossed  the  road
 people who dug out the pool all those years ago.
       anyway. He was furious and told my father what I had done and my father was
 The  Hayter-Hames  were  not  being   furious with me.
    entirely  philanthropic  as  they  were  at
 the  time  having  trouble  with  local   Later on, some eight years later, I worked on the farm with Old Bob, as in those
       days,  to  go  to  agricultural  college  you  had  to  have  had  two  years  practical,
 youths swimming in their beloved River   farming experience before you were accepted. I received a lot of help from him
 Teign where they enjoyed their fishing.   as well as a lot of criticism. He certainly taught me how to use a hand hoe. One
 To solve the problem it was decided to   day eight of us were sent to hoe a ten acre field. There were no herbicides used
 build  the  pool  on  the  site  of  an  old   on kale then, so it was all manual hoeing. Soon one by one all the others were
 duck pond by Rushford Mill just on the   taken away to other jobs, leaving Old Bob and myself to complete the field. At
 outskirts of the town.  There was a leat   that point  he came over  to me and  showed me the  “proper  way” to hoe.  We
 running from the river carrying water to   continued  until  the  field  was  completed.  I  can’t  remember  how  long  it  took  or
 work the wheel at the mill and this was   how much was left for us to do but we didn’t finish the field that day. However I
 diverted  to  fill  the  pool  by  damming.   did  learn  how  to  hoe  by  hand  effectively.  There  is  always  something  you  can
 The  basic  principle  is  still  carried  on   learn from an older member of the community.
 today with pipes taking the water from
 the stream and depositing it into the pool.   At this point I will say goodbye and sign off.
 There have been many changes over the years with major refurbishments in the                           God bless you all.  Ted
 1970s and again in 2000. The original mud bottom was replaced many years ago
 by  a  concrete  base  and  today  the  pool  is  filtered  with  a  minimum  amount  of

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