Page 34 - apr2023
P. 34

April 2023                            April 2023

 This  shop  is  more  than  just  a  shop  it   better  spent  doing  many  other  jobs  around  the  village  rather  than  picking  up
 provi des  an   atmosphe re   of      litter. This is your village – look after it and take your litter home or use one of the
 community  of  friendliness,  the  staff   litter bins available.
 members  are  always  willing  to
 brighten  customer’s  day  with  a  smile
       Annual Parish Forum

       We  will  be  holding  our  Annual  Parish  Forum  on  15   July  in  the  Scout  hut  from
       11am. Local groups will be invited to attend and explain their activities over the
       last  12  months  and  the  Forum  provides  an  opportunity  to  find  out  more  about
       what else happens around the parish. More specific details will be announced in
       the coming weeks.

       Further to the Parish Council taking over the management role of the allotments,
       we are currently rolling out a programme of improvements in order to tidy up the
       current  area,  including  the  creation  of  a  number  of  smaller  “starter”  plots,  and
       some communal areas. There will be some plots coming available in the coming
       weeks.  To  register  for  the  waiting  list  please  contact  the  Clerk  on

 and a little conversation, and for some it   Defibrillator
 may be the only conversation of the day
 so they play a vital role within our village   A defibrillator is now available in the old phone box on Rye Hill adjacent to Green
 helping combat loneliness and isolation.    Close,  which  can  be  accessed  by  anyone  who  is  need  of  it,  with  the  code
       available by phoning 999.
    The  shop  is  open  long  hours  and  they  work
 incredibly hard, but the community certainly
 appreciates  it  and  thanks  them  for  all  they   Wildlife Group
 have achieved here in Bere Regis.     Part of Souls Moor and the
 Nisa West Street Bere Regis Telephone  01929   adjoining Bere Stream has
 288080 OPEN 6.30am until 9pm    been  a  village  nature
       reserve  for  10  years  from
       when  it  was  acquired    by
       the Parish Council.

       Ponies  have  grazed  part
       of  the  area  but  scrub  has
       developed    along   the
       course   of   a   footpath
       along the edge of the stream. This month the wildlife group have worked with the
       lengthsman to clear and move the arisings and maintain a good pathway. Also
       this  month  the  wildlife  group  have    planted  a  bank  of  tree  saplings  along  the
       bank near the school entrance.

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