Page 90 - br-april-2022
P. 90

April 2022                            April 2022

       DATES FOR

               YOUR DIARY


            Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute

            Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place     Twinning     Gardening Club


             10th   Visit to Salisbury Cathedral  -  Flower Festival

             11th   Palmers Nursery, Yeovil

             19th   Salt and Pepper Club

         PiP   19th   Happy and Glorious  -  The Summer Show        6.00 pm

         PiP   20th   Happy and Glorious  -  The Summer Show        7.00 pm

        PiP   21st   Happy and Glorious  -  The Summer Show         2.00 pm

             25th   The Donkey Sanctuary

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