Page 91 - br-april-2022
P. 91

April 2022                                                                           April 2022
       DATES FOR                                                                            church, or if you know anyone else who is ill or housebound.   We are happy to
                                                                                            And please let one of us know if you are unable through illness or infirmity to get to

                YOUR DIARY                                                                  bring them their communion in their own home.

       2022                                                                                 Good Friday Walk of Witness to Black Hill
                                                                                            Due  to  restrictions  during  the  last  two  years,  the  Walk  of  Witness,  when  people
            Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute     walk  from  Bere  Regis  and  Turnerspuddle  with  half  of  a  wooden  cross  each  to
                                                                                            assemble at the top of Black Hill hasn’t been able to happen.  BUT THIS YEAR IS
            Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning      Gardening Club             DIFFERENT!!
                                                                                            At  10am  there will  be  one group  leaving  from St  John  the  Baptist  Church, Bere
                                                                                            Regis and another from Turnerspuddle, by the farm.  The groups converge at the
                     June                                                                   top of Black Hill to assemble the two parts of the cross and have a short service at
                                                                                            about 10:45pm to commemorate Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday.
               8th   Swanage                                                                Anyone is very welcome to join either group, do get in touch if you need to know
               14th   Nicky Heale  -  Summer Inspirations

               16th   Salt and Pepper Club                                                  Messy Church
                                                                                            We’ve had some great Messy Church sessions for the first three months this year
               22nd  Ottery Nursery, Exeter                                                 with families joining in from all over the Benefice.  We’re going to take a break in
                                                                                            April because of the Easter holidays but will be back in May.  See you then!


             6th   Lyme Regis                                                               FROM PURBECK TO
                                                                                            PURBECK, THE LONG WAY
             12th   Michael Bowyer ‘Designing for Summer’  -  Open    2.00pm
                   Demonstration at Tarrant Keynston Village Hall                           ROUND….

                                                                                            Dear friends,

           SP   21st   Salt and Pepper Club                                                 Thirty  years  ago,  this  year  I  was  sent  from
                                                                                            theological  college  to  Purbeck  for  a  summer
                                                                                            placement  in  the  Swanage  and  Studland  Team
             27th   Mystery Tour                                                            Ministry. Little did I know then that this would mark
                                                                                            the beginning of a lifetime’s link with this beautiful
                                                                                            part  of  the  world.  I  returned  two  years  later,  in
                                                                                            1994,  to  serve  as  Curate  in  the  Wareham  Team
                                                                                            Ministry,  having  been  ordained  Deacon  in
                                                                                            Salisbury Cathedral, and then Priest in the Church of Lady St Mary, Wareham. It
                                                                                            was there that I met Jenny, who was the Purbeck Group Assistant Librarian, and

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