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April 2022                            April 2022
 year on Good Friday, changed to light and life on Easter Day.   If we choose to     DATES FOR
 live  in  Christ’s  light,  if  we  trust  in  God  rather  than  people,  then  what  seems
 important is turned upside down and we are enabled to live as free, contented
 and generous-hearted people.        YOUR DIARY

 I wish you a joyful and blessed Easter.
             Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute
 PARISH AND BENEFICE NEWS   Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning   Gardening Club

 Thursday 7  April – 7pm Holy Rood, Wool         August
 The  licensing  and  installing  of  Rev  Canon  Richard  Bartlett  as  Vicar  in  the  West
 Purbeck Benefice will take place on this date.  It would be useful if you could let      10th   Sidmouth
 Sue in the office know if you wish to attend:

 Holy Week Events   SP
 and Services           18th   Salt and Pepper Club

 It  is  such  a  joy  to  be
 able  to  hold  a  rich      24th   Seaton
 pattern  of  services  and
 other   events   during
 Holy  Week  and  Easter         September
 this   year   after   the
 drought  of  the  last  two      7th   West Bay
 years!   There should be
 s o m e t h i n g    f o r
 everyone, so please do      13th   Marion Catt talk                   2.00pm
 come  and  bring  any  visitors  with  you.    We  always  welcome  people  from
 throughout the Benefice and beyond, including those who are visiting, to all our
 services, so if the service in the church in your parish is at the wrong time for you,
 please do come along to any of the other churches.

 Also, please note that we welcome people from all Christian denominations to       SP   15th   Salt and Pepper Club
 all our services, and that anyone who normally receives communion in their own
 church, of whatever denomination, is very welcome to share in the bread and      21st   Wilton House Garden Centre
 wine of communion with us if they wish.  The only qualification is that you love the
 Lord Jesus!
 If  you  need  a  lift  to  anything,  please  contact  one  of  the  clergy  or  your  local         October
             5th    Street Shopping Village

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