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April 2022                                                                           April 2022

       anthurium  were  positioned  along  the  lines  of  the  palm
       leaves with tree ivy to cover the mechanics. Protea tango                                           BERE REGIS NEWS
       red was cut short and stumpy to set off around the base.

       As  Lucy  worked,  she  played  the  relevant  excerpts  from                        BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
       each of the various operas at end of each demo.
       A tall bronze vase was used for the Brassed Off movie. This                                                     
       reflected the Concerto D'Aranjuez. It started with a collar                          Chairman:           07900 906278
       of  aspidistra  leaves.  Then  a  frame  of  gold  canes  was                                  Mathers
       constructed  to  represent  a  musical  stave.  Tall  lengths  of                                               
       pittosporum, tall yellow snapdragon and euonymus with a                              Vice      Bryan     07969 770890
       yellow  variegation  was  placed  around  the  base.  Finally                        Chairman:  Benjafield
       stalks of golden conifer were interspersed in and followed
       with coils and drapes of ivy in amongst the aspidistra loops.                        Parish    Amanda    07855 396073
       The  finishing  touches  were  lemon  mini  chrysanthemums.                          Clerk:     Crocker
       and tall yellow gerbera.
       The  fifth  container  was  a  huge
       metallic  dusky  pink  urn.  This  was  to
       represent  the  movie  Amadeus.  The                                                 The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  10   March  2022  in  the  Drax  Hall.  Seven
       main  structure  was  palm  leaves                                                   members  of  the  public  were present.  The  next  meeting will  be  on  Thursday  14
       displayed  in  a  diagonal  circle.  Then                                            April 2022. Members of the press and public are welcome and there is a period for
       sprigs  of  a  shrub  with  delicate                                                 public participation at the start. If you are unable to attend but wish to submit a
       blossom  followed  by  phormium                                                      comment  or  question,  please  contact  the  Clerk  or  any  member  of  the  Parish
       leaves  in  striped  pinks  and  yellows.                                            Council.
       Lucy had sprayed aspidistra leaves in
       rose  gold    -  these  had  bee  sprayed
       with water first to create the mottled                                               Annual Parish Meeting
       look.  Pink  bergenia  flowers  and
       stocks were backed with very large fatsia leaves. More gerberas, in a salmon pink,   The next Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 12  May, prior to the start
       picked  up  the  shades  in  the  phormium.  The  whole  display  was  finished  off  with   of the Parish Council AGM. This meeting enables anyone from within the parish to
       dark pink carnations, deep pink tulips and pussy willows.                            come together and raise any points of interest or concern that they would like the
                                                                                            Parish Council to take forward. It is not a Parish Council meeting. A Village Forum

                                                                                            will then be held later in the year, on Saturday 16  July. The location and times will
       Bere Regis Floral Group Monthly Meetings                                             be  published  nearer  the  date,  and  it  is  intended  that  local  community
                                                                                            organisations will be invited as in the past.
       The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be on Tuesday April 12th 2022 at
       2pm in Winterborne Kingston village hall.
       Area Demonstrator Irene Hickson is the demonstrator for the afternoon, and her       Rye Hill Kiosk
       title is Fashion Trends. The theme for the stall is Plants, but as always, it attracts a   The  Parish  Council  purchased  the  kiosk  two  years  ago  under  the  BT  kiosk  sale
       serendipitous collection of treasures to buy.                                        scheme.  It  is  now  in  need  of  refurbishment  ready  for  the  installation  of  a
       Visitors and new members are most welcome.                                           defibrillator. The Parish Council will provide the appropriate paint and one of the
                                                                                            Councillors has volunteered to undertake the work. However, if anyone would like
       For  more  information  contact  chairman  Bob  Holman  on  01305  848262  or  come   to  assist  with  the  cleaning  and  repainting,  this  would  be  greatly  appreciated.
       along on the day. We would love to see you!                                          Please contact the Clerk in the first instance.

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