Page 46 - br-april-2022
P. 46

April 2022                            April 2022

 Five lifeguards led by Jason and Phil provide safety cover throughout the summer   and  the picturesque fishing village  of  Newlyn  to  the  west. Its  beautiful art deco
 from June through to September. On a busy day they have to impose a limit of   design is inspired by seagulls taking flight. This has been used to great effect and
 400 bathers into the pool, letting more in as some leave. Sadly, there have only   laid out in such a way as to streamline it from the prevailing winds and tide.
 been  a  few  days  in  this  awful  summer  when  they  have  had  to  impose  this
 restriction.    The diving platforms are sadly no more thanks to the health and safety brigade
       but  thankfully  apart  from  a  few  more  recent  major  refurbishments,  the  pool
 However,  I  gather  that  this  has  not  stopped  a  good  number  of  the  locals   remains much as it was when it was built all those years ago.
 clambering over the wall to take a sneaky swim after the pool has closed for the
 day.  Ken  is  quite  philosophical  about  this  but  did  take  exception  one  morning   I  was  greeted  at  the  gate  by  Ken
 when he came in early to find a bevy of beauties and a film crew occupying the      Osborn,  the  technical  and training
 place.  He told this  cheeky bunch to climb back over the wall  from  where  they   manager.  The  pool  is  owned  by
 came!                                          Cornwall  Council  and  run  by
                                                Carrick  Leisure,  a  charitable  trust
 Apart from this unauthorised activity, there is a lot going on at  the pool. Mount   and  is  a  grade  two  listed building.
 Bay  Harriers run an  Aquathon  every  month  and  Carrick  Leisure  now  run  regular   As  well  as  looking  after  the
 kayaking sessions which will carry on after the pool shuts in September. Penzance   lifeguards,  Ken  is  in  charge  of  the
 water polo club  use  the  pool for  training  and  there are regular  coached  open   general  maintenance.  This  means
 water sessions.                                that he spends three months of the
                                                spring  each  year  using  a  high
 The pool enjoys support from a regular band of locals who use it on a daily basis. I   pressure  hose  to  wash  away  the
 met  Walter and Chris who swim at the pool or outside in the bay on most days   assorted  algae  and  grime  before
 throughout the year. Walter told me “This is my life and I am completely hooked.   painting  using  at  least  45  litres  of
 You can’t beat this!”                          white  weather  shield.  It  is  a
       constant battle against the elements with the stormy Atlantic regularly battering
       the infrastructure, blistering and lifting the paintwork. Whole areas often have to
       be repainted within a few months to keep the building sound. P
       When  the  pool  was  originally  built,  it  had  a  rock  based  floor  but  nearly  twenty
       years ago a major refurbishment took place and a concrete base was built which
       had to be reinforced in 2011.  Also, the pool surrounds were reinforced to make
       the present walkway around the pool slightly smaller than the original design.

       However, it is still a mightily impressive
       size  measuring  100  metres  by  74
       metres  taking  1.1  million  gallons  of
       seawater  to  fill.  Ken  tells  me  that  it
       takes two big tides to fill and one and
       a  half  tides  to  empty,  with  seven
       large  valves  being  used  in  the
 I was invited to take a swim and descended
 the  steps  to  the  changing  cubicles.  There   As  I  looked  around  the  pool,  flags
 were no doors on the cubicles a product of   fluttered gently in the summer breeze
 some patrons getting up to no good in the days when they were there. Quickly   and I could imagine being on a giant
 changed, I was ready to take my swim. I dived into the murky seawater and felt   cruise liner. These flags were made of
 immediately at home. There was no beastly chlorine here to irritate the eyes, just   silk by a lady called Lucy and added
 pure seawater. Yes a little cloudy but pure unadulterated seawater!    an atmospheric feel to the place.   Continued on page 48

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