Page 51 - br-april-2022
P. 51

April 2022                                                                           April 2022

            RECIPE OF THE MONTH                                                             DORSET TRADING STANDARDS

                Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites
                                                                                            Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
                                                                                            approve businesses so you don’t have to.
           Fondant Easter Biscuits (makes 10-12)                                            For more information visit or
                                                                                            call 08454 040506.
                                                                                            To report or seek advice about problems you have
           Ingredients                                                                      experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
                30g light brown soft sugar          90g plain flour
                                                      1 tsp mixed spice
                60g butter                                                               Knowing more about what’s in your food
                                                     1 egg yolk
                                                                                           With the easing of Covid restrictions many people will now be eating meals out
           Icing                                                                           and will start to notice changes to the way that their food is described.
           150g fondant icing                                                              In  the  past,  food  and  drink  from  places  such  as  cafes,  restaurants,  pubs  and
           Colours/ writing icing your choice have fun!                                    takeaways  were  not  required  to  display  nutritional  information.  This  made  it
                                                                                           difficult  for consumers  to  make  informed and  healthier choices  about  the  food
                                                                                           they were buying.

           Method                                                                          From  April  2022,  new  legislation  will  require  large  businesses  with  over  250
           1.  Preheat the oven to 150c and grease a large baking tray                     employees to display calorie information for the food and drink that they prepare
                                                                                           for customers to eat immediately.
           2.  Cream together the butter and sugar                                                                                   There  are  some  exemptions,  but
                                                                                                                                     any  business  covered  by  the
           3.  Sift in the flour and mixed spice, then stir in the egg yolk until                                                    regulations  will  need  to  display
           the mixture comes together and forms a small ball. Knead briefly                                                          accurate  calorie  information  at
           until smooth and pop in the fridge for about 10 minutes.                                                                  the  point  where  a  customer
                                                                                                                                     chooses  their  food.  Information
           4.  Dust the work top with flour and roll out to the thickness of                                                         can  be  provided  on  physical
           about 3mm                                                                                                                 menus, online menus, or labels.
                                                                                                                                     The  types  of  businesses  covered
           5.  Use shaped cutters to stamp out the biscuits and transfer to                                                          can include:
           baking tray.
                                                                                                Restaurants, fast food outlets, cafes, pubs and supermarkets
           6.  Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden but still slightly soft.                     Home delivery services
           Transfer to wire rack to cool until hardened
                                                                                                Cafes  and  takeaways  within  larger  shops  and  venues,  such  as
           7.  Roll out your fondant icing (which you can colour) and use                        supermarkets,  department  stores,  and  entertainment  venues  such  as
           cutters to stamp out shape. Brush with a little warm water to                         cinemas
           apply to biscuit.                                                                    Specialist food stores, delicatessens, sweet shops and bakeries
           Then have fun decorating                                                             Contract catering for example for events and canteens
                                                                                                Domestic transport businesses including planes, trains and ferries.

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