Page 45 - br-april-2022
P. 45

April 2022                                                                           April 2022
       The  changes  are  part  of  the  Government’s  strategy  to  tackle  obesity.  Having   I swam a few lengths of the long side of the pool and then tried the short side. It
       access to accurate calorie information about food and drink ordered will make it    was  wonderful!  The  weather  was  improving  as  the  morning  sun  began  to  peak
       easier  for  consumers  to  make  healthier  food  choices  for  themselves  and  their   from behind the clouds but I still had the pool to myself.
       families when eating out.
                                                                                           As I climbed out of the pool I noticed that there appeared to be crowd gathering
       Dorset Council Trading Standards will be working with businesses to help them to    on the pavement outside. It turned out that local girl, Helen Glover the Olympic
       better understand the changes needed. If you find something you feel is false or    gold medallist rower was about to pass by in an open top bus.
       misleading  please  contact  Trading  Standards  by  calling  the  Citizens  Advice
       Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.                                                   It  was  great  seeing  Helen
                                                                                           and   joining   the   locals
                                                                                           cheering   her   Olympic
                                                                                           success.  Immediately  after
                                                                                           she passed, the pool as if by
       THE JUBILEE POOL                                                                    magic  began  to  fill  up.
                                                                                           There were families, old folk
                                                                                           and  youngsters  from  all
       For  lido  lovers  everywhere,  I                                                   walks   of   life   flooding
       guess  this  is  the  pool  that  for                                               through the gates and they
       many,  will  provide  the  most                                                     were  all  here  to  enjoy  the
       evocative    thoughts    and                                                        pool  and  spend  a  relaxing
       memories.   Its   design   and                                                      sunny Sunday afternoon.
       location is simply stunning! I have
       swum  them  all,  from  here  in                                                    Time  to  retire  the  poolside
       Penzance  to  Stonehaven  in                                                        café   run   by   Rebecca
       Scotland.  I  have  met  some                                                       Farrington  who  seemed  to
       wonderful people, all very proud                                                    be  doing  a  roaring  trade
       of their lidos and their own bit of                                                 when we were there. I could have sat for hours, drinking my coffee or nibbling on
       heritage but if I were pushed to                                                    a piece of delicious cake and just people watching. People are just fascinating
       pick  the  most  beautiful  and                                                     when you have time to stop and stare.
       aesthetically  pleasing  pool  to                                                   Currently the future of the pool looks fairly secure. Who would dare to close it! It
       swim in, this has to be it!                                                         means so much to so many local people and a great asset to the community. It
                                                  The  pool  was  designed  in  the        has gone through periods of great uncertainty. In the early 1990s, after fifty years
                                                  1930s  by  Captain  F  Latham,  the      of being a popular local amenity there were moves to close the pool for ever.

                                                  borough  engineer  and  was              Fortunately,  a retired local architect, John Clarke  came  to its rescue  by  getting
                                                  opened  amongst  much  pomp              the  pool  listed  and  forming  the  Jubilee  Pool  Association.  He  and  the  JPA  were
                                                  and  ceremony  in  May  1935,  the       instrumental  in  getting  grant  funding  for  restoration  with  the  pool  reopening  in
                                                  year  of  King  George  V’s  Silver      1994.
                                                  Jubilee. It was built at the Battery
                                                  Rocks  near  the  harbour  in            How fortunate that a man with vision was able to direct local feeling to preserve
                                                  Penzance  cleverly  designed  to         this jewel in the crown of British lidos. We should be grateful to him and all those
                                                  withstand  the  full  force  of  the     who came after who have kept this wonderful pool in use to the present day.
                                                  Atlantic Ocean.
                                                                                                                                                        Bob Holman
                                                  The  pool  is  triangular  shaped
                                                  jutting  out  into  the  sea,  flanked
                                                  by St Michael’s Mount to the east

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