Page 42 - br-april-2022
P. 42

April 2022                            April 2022

 POP IN PLACE NEWS   Wildlife Walks
 Thank you for helping Ukraine    Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  are  planning  to  organise  walks  around  the  new  Wild
       Woodbury site at the former Court Farm.  These will take place on both Thursday
 We have all been heartbroken at the effects of the War   2nd and Friday 3rd June at 10.30am for a 90 minute walk for those who are used
 on  Ukraine,  thank  you  to  Mary  who  has  taken  some  of   to walking and at 1.30pm for a shorter walk which would be suitable for those with
 the knitted jumpers to Blandford  to be transported over   mobility issues.
 and well done to Alan Clarredge who has managed to
 get a lorry full of aid into Poland ,lots of items in this load were from the Pop in
 Place particularly the knitted blankets. Last Friday the Pop In Place made yellow   Songs of Praise
 and blue ribbon badges and raised over £150.00 for the Red Cross Thank you to
 everyone who has donated.   A special Church service will take place at 10.30 am on the morning of Sunday
       5th June to which everyone is invited.  During this time, entry to the Exhibition will

       be suspended but the displays will still be in place until the end of the day. The
 Breakfast Café   Exhibition refreshments will be available for all, after the service.
 We are trying out a breakfast café once a month
 serving    bacon  rolls.  This  month  it  is  1   April  next   The Exhibition
 month Friday  13  May and  Friday 10  June .
       Over  the  course  of  the  four  day  weekend,  there  will  be  an  exhibition  in  the

       Church.  Previously, we have held Floral and Quilts displays but this time there will
 Pop In Place Rainbow Café    be  the  opportunity  for  our  village  artists,  crafters,  photographers  and  poets  to
       display their creations. Potential participants have already been contacted, but
 The cafés are open every Friday morning for coffee, tea, and  biscuits. There is a   we would be happy to hear from others who would like to take part.  There will
 sales table with books and bric a brac and in the Lower Hall there is a workshop.   also be the opportunity to have a sit down with a cuppa and a piece of cake
 Also you may like to come in and play table tennis as the newly refurbished table   and, relax in the cool of the church or get out of the rain  -  whatever the weather
 is  now  up  and  running.  Please  do  call  in  on  a  Friday  morning  there  is  a  warm   decides to do.
 welcome to all.  If you need a lift telephone Kim 01927 471170
       Diane Edmonds is the contact for the Flowers and Quilts.  She can be contacted

       by  email  on    Alison  Debenham  and  Jill  Marsden
 Repair Shop   are   organizing   the   Arts   and   Crafts   displays.      Their   emails   are or
 Over the last months we have be doing some wood work in the Lower room of
 the hall : making bird boxes, bug hotels and  planters etc  We have completed
 and refurbished the table tennis table and that is available for people to play a   Other Activities
       As  more  events  are  planned  and details  worked  out,  further information  will be
 If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own   circulated in this magazine, through the village Facebook group and on posters.
 small project, call in and see Paul  Bennett you will be very welcome.    Judy Newton is the primary contact for co-ordination of all activities and she can
       be contacted on

 Pop In Place AGM ON Friday 8  April 10.30 at the Hall
 We welcome some new people on the team to help us move the organisation   Message from the Editor:  If you are planning something which hasn’t yet been
 forward  and  to  provide  a  much  needed  community  café  and  events  to  bring   mentioned, then don’t forget to let me know, so that I can include the details in
 people together and combat isolation.    the May magazine. Contact information on the inside back cover.

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