Page 18 - br-april-2022
P. 18

April 2022                            April 2022


 Listening to Christina Pattison on Saturdays newspaper review I was surprised  to
 hear that she can only listen on the radio and consume the current news online or   Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service,  Taken  by  visiting  preachers,  or  our  full  time
 in newspapers.  It was too distressing for her to continue to watch the constant   Youth Worker,            John Williams.
 daily  bulletins  on  the  Ukraine  crisis  and  she  is  a  journalist!    As  you  know  I  am    Our services also go out live on YouTube
 constantly watching the news and have also started to switch off.
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
 There is no doubt a lot of hand wringing   Do you do something? Do you Switch
 off and pretend it isn’t happening.  Some people have been brilliant in sending   Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting on zoom.
 money or things and maybe volunteering to help house Ukrainians.
       Wednesdays at 9.30am Chapel Toddler Group,  contact Suzie on 0796214255
 This whole crisis looks like it will drag on and on.  One thing is certain, world costs of
 fuel will go on up.  It is not likely that the Ukrainians will be growing much Maize   Good Friday Service   April 15 at 10.30am
 wheat  and  sunflowers  this  year.    Even  in  this  country  the  costs  of  food  to  feed   Easter Day    Service   April 17at 10.30am
 chicken and animals is going up.  Farmers are saying the input costs of fertilizer
 and fuel is making the crops we do grow a lot more expensive.  Is there anything   Spring has arrived and the weather has turned much warmer, what a joy that is
 we can do?     after a dreary winter.  And more importantly, this month we celebrate Easter, the
       most important festival in the church year, for if Jesus had not died and then risen
 Do you get in your car go out for lunch on Mothers Day and do your best to keep   again, our faith is useless.  St. Paul says this in the Bible, perhaps those words are a
 our  struggling  hospitality  industry  going  while  we  can  afford  it?      Have  a  good   surprise to us. (1 Corinthians 15:14)  The resurrection shows us that Jesus conquered
 time while we can.   death and sin, and if we commit our lives to Him and receive his forgiveness, we

 I  think  we  should  stay  local  and  go  gardening.    Maybe  we  should  bring  our   too can experience that new life that Jesus gives us.
 unused  allotments  into  production,  or  turn  some  flower  beds  and  lawns  into   Before  I  was  married  I  used  to  live  in  London,
 vegetable gardens.  Start growing vegetable plants in your greenhouse.  (Some      one of the joys of Easter was to go to the Royal
 red white and blue jubilee bedding plants as well)   Albert  Hall  on  Good  Friday  and  listen  to  a
 It  will  be no good  in the  autumn when  things  are  getting in  short supply  or  are   performance of Handel’s ‘Messiah’, some years
 prohibitively expensive thinking I wish I had grown more vegetables.    If you have   conducted  by  Sir  Malcolm  Sargent  with  the
 the time, space and inclination, why not have a go.  Even if you have a surplus,   Huddersfield  Choral  Society.    His  recordings  of
 this  could  be  sold  at  local  produce  stalls  and  meetings  to  produce  a  small   this work still sell steadily today.
 amount of cash for the relief of local food poverty or Ukraine.    ‘Messiah’  tells  the  story  of  the  prophecies
 Perhaps instead of inventing a platinum jubilee pudding we should be dusting off   concerning  Jesus,  and  of  His  life,  death  and
 the old war time recipes and looking at potato cakes and vegetable stews.  If the   resurrection as told in the words from the Bible.
 crisis is over we can still have a party.  We may be learning how to live with less   It is acclaimed as Handel’s greatest  work, many
 and get more out of what we do have.  If the war is over it will help the planet so   people are familiar with the Hallelujah Chorus if
 the effort won’t be wasted and who knows you might be healthier.  (I might lose   not the rest of the work.
 some weight)   Malcolm  Sargent  was  not  only  a  great  musician,  he  was  also  a  great
 Susan Stone (still missing Jenny)   communicator  of  the  Christian  faith.    He  was  someone  who  could  speak  easily
       about God.  The setting up of the BBC ‘Any Questions’ panel, originally known as
       the Brains Trust, gave him an exceptional opportunity of commending his Christian
       faith to an estimated 13 million listeners.  Fellow members of the Brains Trust were

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