Page 14 - br-april-2022
P. 14

April 2022                            April 2022

 The  Parish  Council  couldn’t  function  without  its  members  and  at  its  March
 meeting,  the  Council  was  pleased  to  co-opt  a  new  member  David  Neudegg.
 David  has  a  background  in  local  government  and  has  recently  moved  to
 Briantspuddle with his wife.

 Parish Council Meetings

 The Parish Council is meeting once again in Briantspuddle Village Hall.  The  April
 meeting will be held in the main hall on 13  April from 7 pm.
 On the 11  May, the Parish Council will host the Annual Parish Meeting in the main
 hall. This meeting is not a meeting of the Council, but a meeting of residents of the
 Parish. The meeting is arranged by  the Parish Council Clerk and chaired by the
 Parish  Council  Chairman.  Local  community  groups  are  invited  to  provide  an
 update  to the community, and  any  member  of the electorate  may  request an
 agenda item for the parish meeting. Requests should be sent to the Parish Council
 Clerk by email to Agenda items need to be submitted
 no later than 10 days before the meeting as the Agenda needs to be published.
 The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will immediately follow the Annual Parish
 Meeting and prior to the normal monthly Parish Council Meeting.

 Sue Jones, Chairman


 Apologies to all those who have missed an article from the village shop the last
 couple of months. Life, work and general business got in the way, as it does, I’m
 sure for many.
 But  whilst I  was  busy  being busy  the volunteers  who keep  the shop open every
 day of the week were as committed as ever and were ensuring that come rain or
 shine, cold or wet, sun or sleet the shop has been open the veg has been fresh
 and there is a smile waiting to greet you.
 We really are very fortunate, in a time when in the news Ukraine is being bombed
 and people are losing their homes, petrol prices are through the roof and inflation
 is increasing, in Briantspuddle we are to some degree able to continue living our
 lives as we choose and are supported by a group of volunteers who make sure
 fresh produce is collected and Sainsbury’s orders are put away.
 It never ceases to inspire me to walk into the shop on a Saturday morning and see

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