Page 12 - br-april-2022
P. 12

April 2022                            April 2022

    By the time that you read this magazine we will have
 held  our  open  meeting  where  everyone  will  have   Every  year,  the  Sanctuary  Flower  Guild  creates  special
 been  given  the  opportunity  to  suggest  events  to   arrangements of Easter Lilies for Easter.  The tradition behind
 celebrate the Jubilee, and to arrive at a consensus as   this  is  that  parishioners  can  make  a  personal  donation
 to what will be included. Details of the programme will   towards the lilies in memory of a loved one.
 be published on the village notice boards and in the   This  year,  there  will  be  one  central  arrangement  with  a
 May magazine. We look forward to a celebration that   board  on  which  the  individual  memory  cards,  with  your
 will be enjoyable and inclusive for all members of our   own personal message, can be displayed .
 village community.
                           If  you  would  like  to  make  such  a  donation  (suggested
 Jubilee Coordinating Group    amount £3.50 per lily) towards the lilies for this arrangement,
                           please  contact  Diane  Edmonds  on    01929  472331
                   or    Sarah  Welton  on
                           01929471562 before 1st April


       From:  The  Very  Revd  Nicholas
       Papadopulos, Dean of Salisbury

       “We will all die”.
       Those were the words of the taxi driver
       who  drove  me  from  the  airport  into
       central  Beirut  in  October  last  year.  I
       had  asked  him  what  he  thought  the
       future held for the Lebanese people.

       Perhaps  I  should  have  expected  a  blunt  response.  An  uneasy  peace  has
       prevailed in Lebanon since the end of its bloody civil war in 1990. But this was put
       under immense pressure by the outward ripples of the financial crisis of 2008, and
       by  the  explosion  in  the  port  of  Beirut  which  ripped  the  city  apart  in  2020.  Its
       economy  badly  mismanaged;  its  politics  corrupt  and  ineffective;  swathes  of  its
       territory  controlled  by  Hezbollah:  it  is  difficult  for  the  Lebanese  people  to  be
       hopeful, and it is difficult to be hopeful for them.
       I remembered my taxi driver’s words when – still in the depths of this cruellest of all
       seasons of Lent – I began to think about writing this Easter letter.  President Putin
       attacked Ukraine barely one week after Ash Wednesday, and many of us have
       found  it  impossible  to  think  of  anything  but  the  suffering  of  the  Ukrainians  ever

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