Page 17 - br-apr-2021
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April 2021                            April 2021
 During the usual post-swim cup of tea in early 2016, our eagerness for to get back   BID is willing to meet the cost of the lost income at an amount to be calculated by
 in  the  sea  led  our  minds  wondering  for  a  good  idea  for  a  swim.  We  wanted  a
 challenge,  something  different  and  something  that  to  our  knowledge  had  not   the  Council’s  parking  team  based  on  average  weekend  costs  for  that  time  of
 been done before. The ‘good idea’ was born, 11 miles of changing scenery, calm   year.  Any  requests  for  free  use  of  the  six  days  will  be  reviewed  by  the  Parking
 water and perhaps the lift of an ebb tide to help keep the spirits high – a perfect   Services  Team  and  a  record  maintained.  Requests  should  be  emailed  to
 good idea.  six  weeks  prior  to  the  free  parking  date  and  you
       should expect a response within 5 working days. This policy starts from 1/03/2021.
 Many  good  ideas  are  spontaneous,  suggested at  a  moment  of  high; a  positive
 plan for the future – a break of monotony perhaps. Many turn out not to be such
 good ideas! How would ours turn out?   Spring Clean of Dorset
 “OK, let’s go!” So, accompanied by our safety boat and kayak and loyal support
 team of three we embarked off down the River Frome. The dense fresh river water   Dorset  Council’s  fight  against
 and its unfamiliar dark brown, the smoothness on the skin and the relative coldness   roadside  litter  is  continuing  –
 to the usual sea swims unsettled me slightly at first. “14.3 degrees”, the electronic   with the  annual spring  clean of
 boat display stated boldly. Oh dear, maybe I should have mirrored Bob and wore   verges  along  some  of  the
 my wetsuit? Was this good idea turning into an arduous long reality and possible a   county’s   busiest   roads.
 very  short  swim?  I’d  told  myself  I  would  swim  for  as  long  as  it  was  fun  and   Following  vegetation  being  cut
 enjoyable.   back;  the  removal  of  bushes,
       shrubs  and  long  grass  reveals
 From the very start Bob set off with his usual rhythm, focus and determination. I was   the  full  extent  of  littering  by
 a little more distracted. A swan here, a duck there, a boat over there and the 14.3   drivers   and   verges  quickly
 degree temperature. Still, with the hint of a tidal flow with us I soon found pace   become   an   eyesore.   The
 and rhythm too, arms  turning like clockwork and all concerns soon evaporated.   council’s  waste  team  is  working  with  countryside  officers  to  ensure  that  litter
 Soon, the first mental milestone of Ridge Yacht Haven sailed past.    picking is scheduled following the flailing of roadside verges.
 Another  mile  or  so  and  the  vastness  of  Poole  Harbour  opened  up  before  us.   Dorset Council is supporting this year’s #LoveYourVerge campaign, which will see
 Guided by the safety boat we found ourselves in the Wareham Channel making   ‘pop-up’  signage  on  roadsides  to  celebrate  local  habitat  and  the  biodiversity
 good progress. Glints of sunlight through the clouds, the water temperature was   across  Dorset  and  encourage  residents  and  visitors  to  value  verges  and  other
 rising  slowly  helped  immensely.  I  could  feel  the  warmer  salty  harbour  water  just   open  spaces.  The  campaign  is  a  collaboration  between  the  council’s
 below my body, with my hands, each time I pulled forward. I wanted that warm   Greenspace Service and Litter Free Dorset. Residents can report litter problems, fly
 water at  the top. Occasionally I stopped to dangle  my legs in the ‘heat’. Every   -tipping and rubbish being thrown from a vehicle - online.
 now and then the natural flow of the tide would bring the ‘warm’ water to the top
 – heaven.
 Suddenly,  the  tide  changed.  We  were  no  longer  being  helped  but  now  being   Step Up to a career in child and family social work
 hindered.  The  irregular  shape  of  the  harbour  and  the  water  sloshing  around  it   Social  work  is  a  challenging  but  rewarding  career  which  can  make  a  real
 (albeit in slow motion) had produced a back flow of tide. Whilst this was predicted   difference  for  children  and  families.  Dorset  Council  are  looking  for  strong
 it was unwelcome. A brief discussion led us to elect to board the boat, hold station   graduates  who  have  experience  of  working  with  children,  young  people  and
 and  wait  until  the  unwelcome  flood  flow  ceased.  A  good  chance  to  have   families, and who can demonstrate their maturity and emotional resilience. Step
 something to eat, catch up each other and the team and prepare for the next   Up to Social Work is a 14-month, full-time programme funded by the Department
 few hours. This was one of the good things about our swim. There were no time   for  Education.  It  is  being  delivered  locally  by  a  regional  partnership  including
 keepers,  no  split  times,  laps  or  agenda.  We  were  simply  swimming  for  the   Dorset  Council,  Bournemouth,  Christchurch  and  Poole  Council,  Wiltshire  Council
 enjoyment, swimming for fun. 20 minutes later we were back in.    and  Bournemouth  University.  The  course  gives  trainees  an  intensive,  hands-on
 Now we were flying along! Each time I sighted the next channel marker buoy it   experience  of  working  in  a  real-life  social  work  role  working  with  children  and
 appeared  quicker  than  anticipated,  then  the  next,  then  the  next.  We  were   families within a local authority children’s services alongside academic learning.
       Those successful in gaining a place will have all their course fees paid and will be

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