Page 20 - br-apr-2021
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April 2021                                                                           April 2021
       Safety restrictions remain in place,                                                 Well I did (no fool like
       meaning  that  access  to  each                                                      an old fool, they say!)
       HRC  still  hasn’t  returned  to  pre-                                               as Emile looked on as
       COVID  levels.  For  example,  parts                                                 the  large  passenger
       of  each  site  may  have  been                                                      boat  was  attempting
       sectioned  off  to  help  with  social                                               a  three  point  turn  in
       distancing, there can only be one                                                    the river.
       person  on  the  access  steps  at
       any  given  time  and  on-site  staff                                                We  had  by  this  point
       are  not  permitted  to  physically                                                  ac c u mu l ate d   a
       help  visitors  unload  and  drop  off                                               number  of  interested
       their  waste.  As  a  result,  vehicle
       access  and  visitor  time  on  site  is
       slower  than usual.  Some  people have  been making multiple  trips  per day,  while
       others have even complained about the delays in being able to access each site,
       while contributing to the traffic problems.
       If  you  can  keep  hold  of  your  waste  safely  at  home,  then  please  do  so  until
       restrictions  have  been  lifted.  If  you  are  gardening,  please  consider  home-
       composting  or  signing  up  for  our  garden  waste  service.  Thank  you  for  your
       patience and cooperation.

       Domestic Abuse Support

       With the continued pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Dorset residents
       experiencing domestic abuse are reminded they can get confidential advice and
                                                                                                                                             spectators on the bridge
       For  some  people,  home  is  not  a  safe  place  right  now.  Lockdown  measures  to                                                and  on  the  quay.  I
       prevent the spread of COVID-19 have left them feeling trapped and at greater risk                                                     wandered    what   they
       of  harm.  If  you  are  experiencing  domestic  abuse,  please  reach  out.  Specialist                                              might  be  thinking  as  we
       advisers  have  been  available  throughout  lockdown  and  continue  to  be  there.                                                  both  entered  the  water:
       They will listen to you, and together you can talk about different options and work                                                   an  old  boy  in  his  wetsuit
       out what is right for you, these support services can be contacted 24 hours a day                                                     followed  by  his  younger
       to help you.                                                                                                                          fitter  looking  companion
                                                                                                                                             with   his   swimming
       Where  to  get  support:  in  an  emergency,  always  dial  999.  Speak  to  You  First                                               costume,    hat   and
       advisers  are  available  anytime  day or  night  on 0800 032 5204.  Alternatively, you                                               goggles.
       can see a range of other support options at
       Or call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free and confidential advice, 24    First in, I was immediately taken by surprise by the water temperature which was a
       hours a day on 0808 2000 247.                                                        cool 14.3C. Poor Emile, I thought as I saw my companion gently ease himself off
                                                                                            the back of the boat. However, I was off and swimming at my usual steady pace
       Dorset Council is also set to receive an additional £650,000 from the government     hoping  that  we  were  about  to  get  the  best  of  the  tidal  flow  down  river.   I  was
       to fund a new duty providing support for victims and their children, including safe   following Jo and Luke on the paddleboard whilst Gordon waited for Emile to start
       accommodation. This is part of the government’s forthcoming Domestic Abuse Bill.     his swim.
       Codeword  scheme;  Dorset  Council  is  also  supporting  the  national  “AskforANI”

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