Page 21 - br-apr-2021
P. 21

April 2021                            April 2021
 WAREHAM BRIDGE TO POOLE HARBOUR   campaign which enables victims of domestic abuse to get support at their local
       pharmacy. Look out for a poster in the window of your local pharmacy and ask for
       Ani  (pronounced  Annie).  You’ll  be  taken  by  a  staff  member  to  a  private  room
 Bob’s Story      where you will be put in touch with support services which can help you. Please
       reach out, you are not alone.
 We had talked about it for maybe a couple of years but
 for a number of reasons, mainly busy lives, it never quite
 came  together  until  now.  My  great  swimming  friend   Surgery
 Emile and I have often thought up some crazy swimming   We  are  not  holding  face  to  face  meetings  until  we  are  clear  to  do  so  under
 odysseys  and  today  was  the  day  that  we  would  “bite   government guidelines. However, we would be more than delighted to talk to you
 the bullet” on one of them.
       on the telephone or via Zoom. Please ring or email us with the subject matter so
  Our plan (well it was Emile’s idea in the first place) was   that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s email address is
 to swim from Wareham Bridge down the River Frome to   telephone  07986  600799  and  Laura’s  is
 Jerry’s  Point,  Poole  Harbour  a distance of  just  under 11   telephone 07814 569563.
 miles.  As  far  as  we  knew,  this  had  never  been  done
 before.                 Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
 As many of you will know, Poole Harbour is a very busy place for shipping and all
 kinds  of  water  craft  so  this  was  a  challenge  that  needed  careful  planning.
 Fortunately,  Emile  a  marine  surveyor  had  done  a  lot  of  work  for  the  Poole
 Harbourmaster and was able to put together a suitable risk assessment and satisfy
 any concerns he might have.
 So  I  walked  the  few
    paces down the road
 to  be  met  by  Emile,
 Gordon,  Luke  and
 Emile’s  wife  Jo  who
 were  preparing  the
 boat.  Gordon  and
 Luke  who  worked  for
 Emile, and Jo were to   Temporarily Suspended
 be  the  backup  crew
 for the day. Gordon would drive the boat with Jo and Luke paddling.
 The  short  drive  to  Wareham  was  taken  up  with  Emile  going  through  the  risk
 assessment and yes we did take it seriously.

 We arrived at the Redbridge Marina and there was a great deal of activity as we
 launched the Emile’s work boat EF Shoreline into the water. All aboard, we then
 towed  the  paddleboard  the  short  half  mile  distance  up  the  river  to  Wareham
 Quay to temporarily moor up before the start of our swim.
 Suddenly  the water  around  Wareham Quay  and  the bridge became  a hive of
 activity  as  various  pleasure  craft  including  a  large  pleasure  boat  decided  to
 negotiate the fairly small expanse of water. However, just before 12 noon and half
 an hour after high tide at the quay, we launched ourselves into the River Frome.

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