Page 14 - br-apr-2021
P. 14

April 2021                                                                           April 2021
       Consideration   of   further   responses   and   then   publication   of   final    POETRY CORNER
       recommendations. (to be agreed by Full Council – April 2022)
       The  considerations  that  DC  will  need  to  apply  that  are  set  out  in  the  guidance   Suddenly it’s Spring
       namely: -                                                                                                                Now that skies are blue and my heart
                                                                                           Suddenly it’s Spring, now Winter storms   starts to sing
       The need to secure that community governance within the area under review:
                                                                                           are past                             Everyone is happy, suddenly it’s Spring.
       -  reflects the identities and interests of the community in that area.             Suddenly there’s sunshine for you are
                                                                                           home at last                         When your heart is aching and Winter
       -  is effective and convenient.                                                                                          seems so long
                                                                                           Winter’s been so long, her skies were
       The  impact  of  community  governance  arrangements  on  community  cohesion       dark and grey                        Quite suddenly you’re home again
       and the size, population and boundaries of a local community or parish.             Cold winds felt unfriendly when you   and Spring begins her song
                                                                                           were far away.                       Suddenly it’s Spring, crocus start to
       The impact on electorate size of future development within the next 5 years.                                             bloom

       Any changes will be set out in a Reorganisation Order – the Order will include a    When your heart is lonely            All the leaves are bursting, chasing
       detailed  map of any  boundary  changes  with  any  changes  taking  effect  at the   Grey skies add to your pain        Winter’s gloom.
       next scheduled elections i.e. May 2024.                                             But when Winter’s days are over        Daffodils in flower
       Obviously,  if  the  parishes  are  content  that  their  governance  arrangements  are   Suddenly there’s sunshine again.   Joys that April can bring
       working well, they do not need to make any submission. Parishes that do make a        Suddenly it’s Spring, snowdrops for all   Everything is waking
       submission  must  achieve  electoral  equality  –  i.e.  each  Councillor  will  represent   to see                      Suddenly it’s Spring.
       roughly the same number of electors. Obviously, this only applies where Councils
       are  split  into  some  form  of  warding  which  does  not  apply  in  West  Purbeck.  If   Suddenly there’s birdsong now you
       parishes  are  proposing  changes,  DC  will  ask  them  to provide  information  about   are home with me                                  Eileen Richardson
       how  this  will  ensure  community  cohesion  e.g.  what  are  the  links  within  the
       community  that  leads  them  to  recommend  that  certain  areas  should  be  linked
       together e.g. in the same ward or parish.                                            The Run of the Mill

       If parishes are seeking a change to the boundaries of the parish, we suggest that
       they start talking to the other parishes affected.  Decisions are much more straight   I’d like to be a miller           I’d like to hear the rushing torrent
       forward if there is community agreement beforehand.                                  And live by an old water wheel      To look in the pond so deep and still
                                                                                            I’d like to relive the olden times   I’d like to dream by the pool side

                                                                                            And recapture the old fashioned feel.   If I lived by the water wheel.
       Empty Homes
                                                                                            I guess I’m just a dreamer
       We estimate there are 400 long-term                                                  Of modern things I’ve had my fill   You could say I’m so ordinary
       empty  properties  in  Dorset.  Each                                                                                     In fact I’m sure most people will
       one is a wasted home. Demand for                                                     I’d like to go back in time         But when I seem to be dreaming
       housing in the Dorset Council area is                                                And hear the water in the run of the   I’m listening to the run of the mill.
       extremely  high,  with  over  6000                                                   mill.                                 You could say I’m a dreamer
       people  looking  for  a  suitable  home                                                I’d like to hear the roar of the water   As I gaze from my modern window sill
       on  the  housing  register.  Empty                                                   The music in the foam and the swish
       homes  also  have  the  potential  to                                                I’d like to see the water wheel turning   But I dream I can hear the music
       damage communities by becoming                                                                                           The song of the run of the mill.
       derelict, overgrown or  by  attracting                                               To live there would be my greatest                      Eileen Richardson
       anti-social behaviour.

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