Page 41 - br-april-2020
P. 41

April 2020                            April 2020


                                         What  a  great  turnout  for  our  talk  on  Pests
                                         weeds  and  climate  change  .   I hope  you
 With  brighter,  longer  and  warmer  days  the  signs  of
 Spring are now all around us. The bluebells will soon be   all enjoyed it.
 adorning  our  local  woods,  the  first  swallows  will  be    It seems as though it might stop raining  We have dry weather forecast for the
 arriving, other birds will be active building their nests.   next six days .
 You  should  be  able  to  see  many  if  not  all  of  these
 sights  along  the  riverside  path,  helped  by  the    Looking to the future is not an exact science at the moment.  We might all be
 conservation work our volunteers have been doing over the past years to create   told  to  stay  indoors  and  go  into  self  quarantine.    I  know  the  Flower  arranging
 a wider range of habitats.    meeting for April has already been cancelled.  The only silver lining from my point
        of view is that we may be able to get out into the garden and do all those jobs
 There  is  a  lot  of  action  going  on  in  the  village  nature  reserve  at  present.  Frogs   we didn’t do last autumn because of the rain.  I might even tidy up and have a
 have  found  the  pond  on  Souls  Moor  where  there  is  now  a  seething  mass  of   throw out in the Garden Shed and my flower arranging cupboards.  I might plant
 tadpoles. This is good because there are many reports of no tadpoles or frogs in   more vegetables we might need them.
 garden ponds.
        At the time of writing our next meeting is still on and we are planning to have a
 Beside the streamside walk the   talk by Tony Bates on Wildlife conservation Gardens.  Tony has been a judge of
    bright reddish coloured fungus,   the  Gardens  entered  into  the  Dorset  wildlife  Trust  competition  so  he  will  be
 Sarc osc ypha   c occinea,   showing stunning pictures of some of the entries in  that competition last year.
 commonly   known   as   the
 Scarlet  Elf  Cup,  has  made  its   I will be in touch if circumstances change but I think we should keep going as
 appearance  –  see  photo.   long as we can but we must try and follow best advice at the time.  Corona virus
 Legend has it that elves use the   sounds  like  a  type  of  flower.    Maybe  there  will  be  a  rose  named  after  it  at
 little  cups  for  drinking!    They   Chelsea  this  year.    Who  knows  by  the  time  you  read  this  item  Chelsea  will
 grow in clusters on dead wood   probably be cancelled.  All I can say is keep smiling and keep gardening.
 particularly  hazel  and  quite
 often  hidden  under  leaf  litter.                                 Susan Stone
 Apparently   they   make   a
 ‘puffing’  sound  when  they
 explosively  release  tiny  spores.
 So if you hear strange noises when walking along the track it will either be that or
 the elves partying.  Incidentally this fungi are not poisonous.

 Conservation Working Parties

 At  the  March  wildlife  group  volunteer  work  party  we  tidied  up  the  rest  of  the
 coppiced area along the originally very shaded part of the stream between the
 Jubilee and Shitterton bridges. Then we continued clearing an area which was
 previously an open area between the pathway and the stream. In keeping the
 undergrowth in check along this very wet area we plan to maintain a balance
 between creating more open areas for wildflowers to flourish and leaving denser
 areas for small mammals and hedgehogs. Where we cleared some now flooded
 areas near the pathway there has been a marked improvement in the flowering

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